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Show CHAIN ifll STRONG II WEATHER REPORTS Third Day of Slight Advance Due to Unusual Raius in Foreign Lands. CHICAGO, July 3. For the third successive suc-cessive day strong market for w.heat at European grain centers raised prices dn tho exchange, Tho market horo. however. how-ever. Bhowcd only a small gain at the close Soptembor delivery was up only c; corn wao a shade highor, oats wero up Slc; provisions wore 10c to 20c highor. Tho local markot openod strong because be-cause of wot weather In Germany and Lngland and unfavorable harvesting rc-portn rc-portn In this country. Commission houses and ahortB wero active bidders, and for a tlmo thore was little wheat for sale. Later tho market became easier easi-er on tho rocolpt of dispatches declaring that winter wheat had slightly Improved during June. Tho market weakened under un-der this selling prosnuro and prices de-cllnod de-cllnod more than ono cent from the high point. Later iho markot again became strong, and closed firm. " September opened i0c to fi53e highor at 993c to 51-005. sold between 99c and 1.005. and closed at 991f&99Sc. The Illinois and Ohio crop reports, which showed a decline of 12 to 13 points respectively In tho condition of tho corn crop of the States, aa compared com-pared with the same time last year, were responsible In a measure for a atrong opening In corn. The market closed steady. September opened 25t; to 8f?3c higher at 56fD551c, sold oft to 54 Jc and closed at 64 fie. Oats wore atrong all day because of unfavorable reports regarding the prog-rose prog-rose of the crop. September opened i Jc to Bfpic higher at 35Sfp3Stc nold between be-tween 3BZa and 39c and closed at 388c. Provisions were weak because of largo primary receipts, and a decline of 10c In the price of live hogs. At the close September pork was down 20c at $16.30, lard was 10c lower at $9.00; ribs' wero down 10c at SS-725. Tho Board of Trade will be closed tomorrow, to-morrow, July 4. RANG 13 OP THE LEADING FUTURES. Wheat "Open. High. Low. Close. July 96 96B 058 961 Sopt 1.001 1.005 99 99ft Dec 1.031 1.03J 1.015 1.02J Corn July 541 541 53 54 Sept 551 551 543 54 J Dec 54 54 53 535 Muy 551 551 54.4 513 Oats July 413 -12 418 42 Sept 385 30 3S3 38R Dec 39 R 39J 39 39fl Mny 42 42 415 413 Mess pork, por bbl. July ,15.25 16.25 16.05 16.05 Sopt 16.50 16.50 16.30 10.30 Lard, per 100 lbs. July S.S5 S.S5 7. SO S.50 Sept 9.07 9.074 9.00 9.00 Oct 9.12 9.121 9.05 9.05 Short ribs, per 100 lbs. July 8.60 S.G0 S.50 S.50 Sept 8.80 8. SO S.70 S.724 Oct S.72 S.72 8.62 S.G24 CASH QUOTATIONS. Cash quotations wero as follows: Flour firm. No. 2 spring wheat, $1.0 1; No 3, 96c$1.03i; No. 2 red. 95g(5i96Ec; No. 2 corn. 54c; No. 2 yellow. 51c, No. 2 oats, '12c: No. 2 white. 42iS'44c; No. 3 white. S5r; fair to choice malting barley. bar-ley. Glfj'65c; No. 1 Northwestern flax seed, $1,254: prime Timothy seed, ?4.75; clover contract grades. $16.25; short ribs, sides (loose). $8.375fI'S.G2; mess pork per bbl., fl6.05lG.10; bird, per 100 lbs., $S.S0; short clear sides (boxed), $S.S7fJ) 9.00; whiskey basin of high wines, $1.31. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 26.100 23.100 Wheat, hushols 88,200 7.900 Com, bushels 17S.300 612.300 Oats, bushels 214.500 2G3.000 Rye. bushels 8,000 7,000 Barley, bushels 41,600 1,600 On tho Produco Exchange today the butler market was firm. Creameries. 19fS24c; dairies. 17(f?2Io. Eggs firm: at mark cases included 13(jz)13ie; firsts, 13c; prime firsts, l-ic cheese firm. 12Q)131i I |