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Show Notice the monarchical strut of the i ice man. Hj These are comfortable days if spent in the ice box. i A sparking plug the buggy borse driven by lovers. H; What ails that donkey? '''lie rhat hath ears to hear, let him hear. ;' .Mr. Rockefeller seems to be liamp-rred liamp-rred by an extremely retiring disposi- But in spite of all hia popularity, Mr, Ml Bryan may discover that an elephant no gnat. Hj It is said that a wise man is one who is able to change his mind. But not ahva3s his shirt. Did you ever see such good little bovs as wo have had in Salt Lake for i he past ny or two? That they are partial to locks of t other people's hair is no sign that Iu-dians Iu-dians are over affectionate. Anyway, in ihe event of trouble., the Japs would learn that U-S spells "us" with the American people. It might be said that wc arc coming to Hie dog days, except from fear that a charge of nature faking would re- But what will be the use of any dele-gate dele-gate to The Hague peace conference saiing that he didn't know it was loaded? Riving one the ninety-second degree is laying it on rather strong, the weath-cr weath-cr man is advised, simply to extract ;l confession that it is hot. Hj And it dries begin to look as if the Hj mine owners may feel that in the Hay-wood Hay-wood trial the positions of prosecution and defense are being reversed. Possibly, moreover, it may yet ide-elop ide-elop that William E. Borah will deem U to be advisable io retain Attorne' Borah to defend Senator Borah with the big stick annexed. If Walter Wellman 3hall succeed in locating it and compelling it to remain j in one place, the north pole may yet become a popular summer resort. Speak-jng Speak-jng now of the magnetic pole. Newspapers have been attaching vari-Hj vari-Hj ons forms and degToes of significance to the fact that fr. Xtoosevelt carries a big revolver; but they are all off lie merely picks his teeth with it. About the only effect which tho jingo-ing jingo-ing of tlio little brown men has had is observed in the act that the conser- ativc diplomats in that4 country have been plunged into a sort of little brown The President being so busily cn-gaged cn-gaged with the trusts, and the County Attorney with his holy conspiracy, how on earth can one expect that po-lygamous po-lygamous law brcakws would be prose- Kach of those Richfield lads who were arrested- for setting off a great fire cracker at a church service may proba-bly proba-bly consider his trouble to be merely another case of ecclesiastical boy Scientists report the- prescnc.o of an estruordiiiarily large spot on the Hiir- face of the sun. "So far as ila' effects on the earth are concernod, up to date, Old Sol mny bo merely rolling a peanut around himself. |