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Show COPPER Ail HiGHERjIN LONDON New York Lead Market Is Dull and Lower; Metals Generally Gen-erally Quiet. j T Sllvor. " f New York G7B 2 Son Francisco !! ! ! ! ! ! ! iig $ T - . Copper X New lork Exchange. .$21.0021.25 4. ? T Lead. I Notv York Exchange $5.25 I H-M-I I Z--I--I--I 'I :-H"M"I"1-;..:..H'h-NEW YORK. July 3. There woo a big advanco In tho London tin market, particularly par-ticularly on spot3, which -were- 4 higher high-er at 105. Futures advanced 1 10b to 184. Locally the market wao oasy, with spot at $42.5042.75. Copper was JC1 5b higher at 00 l"-.a for spot and 1 15 hllher at 94 for f iUrcs' Jn, the Londo market locallv Swfe8 d,u11' w,th lake Quoted -'2.50; casting at ?21.00S'21.25. ,narw '?8 ,,lul,J1and lower in the local market, the leading producers roportlng a decline of 50 points In the selling price changed atTh2oLl?n market Was Un" Spelter was unchanged at 24 In I.on-C35' I.on-C35' WaS l0Wer locallv at 56.30 .l!iB!l0L,ln, th0 Enellsh mar-rra mar-rra nT1 "trd foundry quoted at 5Gs 0d, arid Cleveland warrants at COs od. Locally the market was unchanged. Closing Stock List. . Sales. II. L. Clao Adams Exproas jjo Aal,CT V- i4'(i0 Ssj"85i 37S Am Car & Foundry 200 41 43S 44 Am Cotton Oil -ni do preferred 02I Am Express w) Am Hide & L. pfd isj American Ice soo '76" 'cs 69 Am Linseed Oil 100 11 11 J 103 do preferred 200 VAh 24J 23i Am Locomotive 100 5S3 5S 58? do preferred iob Ant Smelt & Refng 12,800 1193 il7B 1191 do preferred -300 1073 107 107U Am faugar Rctlnlng 11,900 1232 122i 1''3 Am Tob. pfd, cert 5l Anaconda illn Co .. 15.400 G08 581 GO' Atchison 5.-100 923 915 924 do preferred 100 91 91 94 Atlantic C Lino 100 993 99J 99 T3alt .& Ohio 2.1U0 OS 973 do preferred S5 Brooklyn Rap Trau 13.G00 57 'sf.j 574 Canadian Puelfic 1.900 174X 173 171 Cent of N J " Chesa & Ohio 2.400 358 35ii 35i Ch cago G V 00 11J Hi llg C'togo & V. ... 4,700 149J 147 149 Cll. Mil & St P .... 12,200 132 129 131$ Chi Torm & Trans , . 5 do preferred 15 C C, C & St L 200 (IS G7t G7S Col Fuel & Iron 2,700 331 32 321 Colo & Southern 213 do 1st preferred ... 400 G0i GO GO do 2nd preferred ... 2.G00 473 4G 17J Consolidated Gag .. 200 118 118 lis Corn Products GOO IS 17 173 do preferred 200 72J 72 725 Dela & Hudson 1,200 169 168 168 Dela. Lack & West 100 4693 4693 4G93 Denver & Rio G 100 27B 27 271 do preferred 300 11 11$ 11 Distillers' Sec 2,000 GSJ G7A GS Erie 3,800 24 it 24" 241 do 1st preferred ... 300 59i 59 50l do 2nd preferred .. . 700 41 401 41 Gen Elertrlc 300 1391 139 J 38 Illinois Central 100 142 142 142 Interna Paper 131 do preferred .... 71J Iowa Central IS do preferred 300 39S 393 30S Kans City Southern. 3,100 26 2G 2G-! do preferred 1,400 57 GG4 5G5 Louisville & 2Tash .. . 1,700 1153 114 1153 Mexican Central 20 Minn &. St Louis .. 200 41 415 41 Mln, St P & S Sto M 100 107 1061 107 do preferred 300 1312 1363 1355 ailssouri Pacific 100 701 76 76 Mo. Kansas & Tex 3,400 341 331 341 do preferred 100 05 j 651 G4j Nat Tt R of Mcx pfd 505 N Y Central 1.900 1122 1113 1121 N Y Out & Western 100 371 371 37 do preferred 70 North American 200 C9J 60S GO Pacific Mall 200 2GL 265 264 Pennsylvania 28,700 1213 122 1241 People's Gas 1.000 92 91 921 Pitts. C C & St L G9 PresHed Steel Car ... 1,000 36 35J 355 do preferred S9 Pullman Palace Car 160 Reading 87,000 107g 1051 IO64 do 1st preferred ... 100 81 80 SO do 2nd preferred 7S Republic Steel 900 30 288 20 do preferred 1,300 S41 S2 84 Rock Island Co ... 3,200 221 m 22 do preferred 200 473 4i 4 1 i St L & S P 2nd pfd 1,300 38 39 33 St. L Southwestern 400 22 22 21 do preferred 200 51 501 ol Southern Pacific 13.000 805 7SJ 801 do preferred 600 1118 1111 111 Southern Railway . 900 20 20 208 do preferred bt Tenn Coal & Iron 141 Texas & Pacific ... 400 312 303 311 Tol. St L & West .. 1'JO '2(k 274 27 do preferred 800 -I9U 19 -i9i! Union Pacific 54.000 MU 1353 1303 do preferred 83 17 S Express it"; U S Realty 100 55 00 54 bloRrof U s Steel 5G.C00 373 362 3(tf do preferred 3,300 1011 993 100 Va. Cure Chemical 400 26 26 251 do preferred " Wabaah 'fJ 3 1S" dc ? preferred 000 25J 255 25J Wells Fargo Ex Z&n Wcsfhouw; Electric ....... .... .... ill Western Union 100 SO &0 J Wheeling & L E j1 Wisconsin Central Ji nS? KSr..v::: ij.ijoii57ibi c'..:: S i Rt p! Sloss Steel . . ; . G Northern pfd ... 1AI00 J32a loOl lo-a int aretropolitan ... 800 1G5 IBS do piefci-rod g,-'00 u 10 Total sales 531,300. Now York Fruit Market, vrm YORK. July 3. The market fur ovanorated apples Is dull and iuotatlons. more or ess nominal in the absence of demand. Choice. Sc: prime, 75c; poor to rapnjnS' are not activ.;. but prices are firmly held, ra ging from 43c to 12 Ic for California and from 5c to 9c for Oregons . UPAi?uSS -lSf: choice. 21o; extra CTCaecheC:ina& "A fll-c- extra choice. 12J13c: fancy. 13 fth!BSfn?.iSotr loofe' muscatel. 8J.10c; ,e"fed ralaln" TilSc; London layers. ?1.5017 1.05. Now York Flour and Grain. VKW YORK. July 3. Flour Receipts. ? Whcat-Rocolptc. 133.100 buhols: exports ex-ports 100.000 buohelHi noHteidy; o. y, si oil elevator and 1.03J r. o. n. b'rti?nn onencd Mrong and advanced 0p mt on cab ca; re acted sharply un-nt un-nt a harWBtlW oiiHoolc and closed 1Mb cloSed. SI .055 : Uwon.ber. J .0 , . -1 (gI.H3J: closed. S -OS mm. 1.1 0i; closed, ?1.I0. |