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Show ARE LOVE-SMITTEN. Bike Riders at the Saucer Aro Quietly Married. Evidently tho bicycle riders at the Bauccr havo the love lever. Tho second wedding within the present week occurred oc-curred yesterday nftornoon whon Judge Chris DIehl Joined Emlllo Agraz and Alice Bonsquet, a beautiful brunotto from San Jose, Cal., In' holy wodlock. Tho ceremony was performed at tho Elks' club. Agraz is a professional at tho saucer, but is bolter known for his performances whllo an amatour. It was thou that ho smashed records and again and again crossod tho tapo with tho othor riders lighting for his roar whool. As a professional, profes-sional, however, Agraz has mado a more than ordinary showing and Is regarded as ono of tho gamost riders on tho track. Last evening Agraz gave out the Information In-formation that this Is his last year in the racing game. Ho intends to finish tho racing season here and will then go to New York, where he Is already slgnod to ride In the six-day race at Madlaon Square Garden. Agrnz's marriage Is not a case of love at first sight. For three years ho has waited upon tho young woman who yesterday yes-terday becamo his bride. Although a resident of California, her fathor, Mr, Bonsquet, Is a wealthy Montana mining man. Thero aro bright prospects ahead for tho young couple. With tho Trigger Artists. Several local gnu club men put In tho morning of Plonoor day at tho Popporton traps. Wallaco Bransford mado tho host score of tho day. Out or nlnoty shots ho got eighty-seven birda. Out of the first fifty ho got forty-eight, then he got twenty-five out of twcnly-fivo and finally fourteen out of fifteen. Hia wub a bit of rare ahootlnc. |