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Show MOREISON STRIKE IS IMPORTANT; Salt Lakors Provo at Depth the Great Valuo of Property. There Is being opened up In tho Morrison Mor-rison company's ground In Humboldt county, New, one of tho finest bodies of hlgh-grado ore In that wonderfully rich territory, and that tho Salt Lake mining min-ing and financial talent owning the control con-trol of the company aro groatly pleased with theso recent dovolopmonts Is moro than apparent. Tho fact that tho strike was made at considerable depth would tond to establish the permanency of this nud tho other resources opened up by the company. Upon the receipt of the extensive equipment equip-ment now ordered, the management .of tho Morrison will lose no time In socking sock-ing tho loweBt lovel posslblo of their possessions. |