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Show OPPRESSIVE HEAT III ZIDH WEDHESDAY Maximum Temperature Was 93 Degrees, the Air Being Decidedly Quiet. f Wednesday was a day of increasing heat from 6 o'clock in tho morning until un-til 5 o'clock in the afternoon, when tho thermometer registered at 03 do-grees. do-grees. Tho courso of the mercury was gradual and there was no retrogression retrogres-sion until the highest point had been reached. Tho air was decidedly quiet and the sky was for the most part clear so that the day was ono of oppressive lioat. "Partly cloudy," ia tho forecast fore-cast for this region Thursday. Tho most remarkable featuro in the reports received Wedncsdaj morning from over the country whs a tempera-turo tempera-turo of 110 degrees at Yuma, whoro tho wind reached a velocity of thirty miles an hour. A similar degree of heat was also registered at Phoenix. Rains were reported as follows: 1.34. inches at Nortlf Platte, .98 inch at Jacksonville, .S8 inch at Norfolk, .76 inch at Oklahoma and .52 inch at Charleston. Local Weather Eoport. Maximum temperature, A3 degrees; minimum temperature, 05 degrees; menu temperature, 79 degrees, which is 3 degrees above normal. Accumulated Accumu-lated excess of temperature since tho first of tho month, &2 degreos. Accumulated Accu-mulated deficiency of temperature since January 1, "ICS degrees. "Total precipitation from 0 p. m. to 6 p, m., none. Accumulated deficiency or precipitation pre-cipitation since tho firsfcof the month, .2S inch. Accunuilate'd excess of precipitation prec-ipitation sinco .January 1, 3.99 inches. Relative humidity at 6 p. m., 24. per cent. . Temperatures Elsewhere. Min. - Max. Bolso 50 1)2 Cnlgary, Ad 70 Chlcngo , J4 74 Denver ss SS Grand Junction CC SS Havre .' 58 82 Helena .. 51 ' g(j Kansas City GO 8C Lundcr 50 50 Los Angolcs ..... pfi SS Miles City CO 94 Modcna k fl5 g New York City ;. 6 7c Omaha CS SI Pocatello 54 02 Portland. Or ,. CO S6 St. Louis f,3 S2 S.m Fraucl3co GO CI Spokane 55: 90 Tonopah i;r 00 Wlnncmucca 56 ?4 |