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Show plIOLIKE illAC, IS STORY jJJjftWio Went to Europe at Infest of White Sheds v w Some Light. tilT AND STRUCK ffflE GIRL HE MARRIED Mcr and Miss Crane in eir Rooms to Seek K Mother Women, WljrOEK:, July 25. A Now York rfW'oy publishod an interview fsjlfc Anna Crane, a masseuao of J?- whoso Btatemcnt was taken irby an assistant District At- jjar possiblo ubo in the Thaw fcjJcording to tho interview, Miss Kp is about 50 years old, was aris by Stanford White in xgl esponso to appeals from Mrs. aow Mrs. Holinan), Evelyn Smother, and brought the i, man back to Now York. Mica "" Tquoted as snving that, she 88 Nesbit before the 3'oung itTher mother went; abroad in were followed to Paris by fLThaw. Mr. "White, she said, E,d?or her, told her that he ved several communications Holman and asked her to go X and straighten out matters. v arrived in Paris Miss Crane ' ! found that all throe had been 1gJ;a beautiful apartment near Sjps Elyseo and that Thaw had principal caller upon Miss 5cted Like a Maniac. iaay before I got there," said Mnc, "a. torrible row had taken ,"?ljairs. Nesbit had been put out -Jjkrtmont by Thaw, who acted rmiac. Mrs. Neshit was nearly WVandbutfor the timelj-arrival Klkan newspaper writer who had Vpad with tho Nosbits and beon :ud in London, sho would nevor . "back to tho Unitod States. " iJpapor woman aided Mrs. Nes-fthor Nes-fthor own nonoy and subse- Rsablcd Mr. White for funds." fclarcd her belief that Thaw natic and said that Miss Nes--Jelieved so at that time. Miss lid that Miss Nesbit showed to ijts on her back and arms which Wfrsted by Thaw. Several oc-when oc-when bIiq was present, Miss aVid, Thaw tried to choko Miss rid left the marks of his fing-nijir: fing-nijir: throat. MisB Cvano asserted Ksaw Thaw beat Miss Ncsbit mJWb when Miss Crano interfered 'ruck her also. 1:Locked in heir Booms. na Thaw's habit when he went he Paris boulevards to stroll women, Miss Crane said, to ipQNesbifc and Mi'bs Crane in jlkrtments. Miss Ncsbit con-ggn con-ggn appeal to the French author--Wrefrained through fear that l:ruin her stage career, 'constantly raved over men giSB Nesbit knew in New York M spoke of Stanford White in mtng manner, Miss Crano de-IPinally, de-IPinally, Thaw consented to alia al-ia Ncsbit to return 'to New ad- they sailed, after a violent i5 London. A fif Promise Suit Threatened. ' way across tho ocean, said gjlne. Miss Nesbit doclared her &pt bringing a suit for breach Sse against Thaw and of charg-Rjvith charg-Rjvith assault. When they ar-BNpw ar-BNpw York, White's automobile tffiting them, and Miss Ncsbit Jftect to White's olllco. which, me said, must have- been by 'iieufc made by Miss Ncsbit 's OTA family conference, she dc-rjfisued dc-rjfisued aud soveral da's later jbit went to the office of A. H. fiSthc lawyer, aud made a state-cermng state-cermng Thaw's conduct. Tho Crane said, was to have ?jt$o0,000. fflxane said that Stanford White m a. gentleman, that Miss Nes-j5?Iy Nes-j5?Iy tho kindest words to say 3nd that he was a kiud-hearte'd ffl1 Ars- Uolman had interest-air? interest-air? children. |