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Show I. 0. B. B. EXCURSION sssssflt1 ' H To Frovo Canyon, July 22. HL Trains leave Salt Lake at 8 a. m. and D B n. m. Returning, leave Upper Falls 8:10 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Trout dinner at Up-H Up-H I per Falls. Everybody Invited, Magnlfl- H . cent scenic trip. Good fishing, Fare H - - 'i H i EXCURSION NORTH July 21st, Via Oregon Short Line. Reduced rates to northern Utah and Idaho points. For further particulars see agents. City Ticket Office. 201 Main street. ONLY ONE DOLLAR To Ogdon and Eeturn. Sunday, July 22d, via Oregon Short Line. Trains leave Salt Lake at 7:10 and 10:30 a. m., or 1:30, 4:05 and 6:05 p. m. Returning, Re-turning, leave Ogden at 4'10 and 6:20 p. m.. and special at 10:30 p. m. Street car line now completed to mouth of Ogden Og-den canyon. TrouL aud chicken dinner at the Hermitage In the canyon. PR0V0 CANYON EXCURSION Via D. & K. G, R. R., July 22. Grand outing of the I, O. B. B. and "their friends to the beautiful Bridal Voll Falls, Everybody Invited. Trains leave Salt Lako 8 a. m. and 9 a. m. Returning, leave Upper Falls 3:10 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Fare $1.25. Trout and chicken dinner at Upper Falls resort. OUTING EXCURSION North, Via Oregon Short Line July 21. Greatly Great-ly reduced rates to northern Utah and Idaho points, and long limits. Fishing Is now at its beat in Idaho. See agentb for further particulars. Offices for Rent. The Capital R. E, I. Co. has deBk room and ground floor offices for rent, ,ln their commodious quarters. No. 17 W, 2nd So. There la no better location loca-tion in the city. LAST DATES LAST DATES Excursions East, Via Oregon Short Line-Union Pacific, Pa-cific, July 10th, 20th and 31st. Omaha or Kansas City and return re-turn $40,00 Chicago and return 61.50 St. Louis and return 56.60 St. Paul or Minneapolis and return re-turn 53.00 These rates apply from Salt Lake City. Proportionately low rates from other stations to Eastern points. Limit October 31st, 1906. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 201 Main St. UPPER FALLS AND RETURN $1.25. Via D. & R. G., July 22. Trains leave Salt Lake S a. m. and 0 a. m. Returning, leave Upper Falls 3;i0 p. m. and 7;30 -p. m. Magnificent 3cenlc trip. ONLY ONE DOLLAR To Ogden and Return, Sunday, Julf 22d, via Oregon Short Line. TralnB leave Salt Lake at 7:10 and 10.30 a. m., or 1:30, 405 and 6:05 p. m. Returning, Re-turning, leave Ogden at 4,10 and 6?20 p. m.. and special at 10:20 p. m. Street car line now completed to mouth of Ogden Og-den canyon. Trout qud chicken dinner at tho Hermitage In the canyon. V0RKEDNEWGRAFT Hucksters Swindle Purchasers in Deal for Raspberries, Two complaints havo been sworn "to In tho City court against two peddlers, whose names are unknown. Tho charge is Unit of obtain-inn obtain-inn money under false pretences, the ap cltlc act, as alleged, boing that tho poddlers sold raspberries in boxes, nnd when tho berries ber-ries were emptied after tho peddlers had do-pnrtod.tho do-pnrtod.tho boxes wore more than half tilled with currantB, with a covering of raspberries on top. The purchaser did not appreciate the little act of pleasantry on the port of the peddlers, whom they seek to hove puaiohod. OGDEN CANYON EXCURSION Sunday, July 22nd, Via Oregon Short Line. Round trip to Ogdon $1.00. Trains leave Salt Lako at 7:10 or 10:30 a. m.. or 1:30 p. m., 4:05 or 6:05 p. m. Roturnlna, leave Ogdon at 4:10 and 6:20 p. m., and special at 10:30 p. m.. for the benllt of those who desire de-sire to spend the whole day" In the canyon. can-yon. Street cars now operated to mouth of canyon. Trout and chicken dlnnor at tho Hermitage. LAST DATES LAST DATES Excursions East, Via Oregon Short Line-Union. Pacific, Pa-cific, July 19th, 20th and 21st, Omaha, or Kansas City and return re-turn $49.00 Chicago and return 61.50 St. Louis and return 56.50 St. Paul or Minneapolis and return re-turn 58.00 These rates apply from Salt Lake City. Proportionately low rates from othor stations to Eastern prfints. Limit October 31at. 1006. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 201 Main St, No better sport on earth than shooting shoot-ing the chutes. Try It at Caldor'u. If it's too hot in town go to Calder'a. Plmrnoh's Glen. Tents and cabins, furnished or unfurnished, un-furnished, with or without board, by the day, week or month. For particulars particu-lars telephone 3022 Independent; 30S7-Z Bell. Ofllccs for Bent. The Capital R. E. I. Co. has desk room and ground floor offices for rent. In their commodious quarters. No. 1Y "W. 2nd So. There is no better location loca-tion in the cily. Drop Me n Postal, For reduced price list for expert Kodak Ko-dak finishing, Harry Shlpler, Commercial Commer-cial Photographer, 151 Main at. Both 'phones. Eat your runch in the rjalm garden at tho Royal. Y. M. C. A. Day, Lagoon, Saturday, July 21. Name It and get $100 Calder's park. Sale on men's suits at Dcsky's. Snlt Lnkc Photo Supply Co., Kodaks and finishing. Main & 3rd So. Y. M. C. A. Day, Lagoon, Saturday, July 21. Sale on men's suits at Desky's. S. D. EVANS, Undertaker and Embalmer, has removed re-moved to new location, 4S. South State, Sale on men's suits at Desky's. Superfluous hair, moles, blrthmarka removed by electric needle, painlessly and without acar. MISS SMALL, 601 Templeton. Sale on men's suits at Desky's. Offices for Kent. The Capital R. E. I. Co. has. desk room and ground floor offices for rent, In their commodious quarters. No. 17 V. 2nd So. There is no better location loca-tion in the city. Salt Lake Photo Supply Co., Kodaks and llnishing. Main & 3rd .So. Wall Paper nnd Painting. At lower prices, better workmen and more satisfaction, now the rush Is over. Call us, cither 'phono. We do the rest. W. A. DUVAIiL, 110 W. 2nd So. Y. M. C. A. Day, Lagoon, Saturday, July 21. Ho who steals my purse steals trash; but he who names Calder's park goto $100. Y. mV C. A. Day, Lagoon, Saturday, July 21. For the best garden hoso in town go to Geo. G. Doyle & Co., 211 State street-Reliable street-Reliable Plumbers. Y. M. C. A. Day. Lagoon, Saturday, July 21. Picture Framing, Chits. II. Bodel, 33 E. 1st So. A good name Is rather to be had than groat riches. Suggest such a name for Calder's park and get $100. Sale on men's suits at Desky's. Until further notice we will make a Elorage rate of $4.75 per ton on Rock Springs and Cumberland coals and $9.50 per ton on all sizes of anthracite. D. J. SHARP COAL CO., Telephones 719. 73 South Main street. Have you attended Deskya clothing sale? Now" on. Offices Tor Rent. The Capital R. E. I. Co. has desk room and ground floor,. offices for rent. In their commodious quarters, No. 17" W. 2nd So. Thero is no better location loca-tion In the city. Sale on men's buUb at Doaky's. Jligh-Grado Wall Papers,. ' Chas. H. Bodel, 33 E. 1st So, ' Salt Lake News Co. has removed second door south Keith-O'Brien's, Dr. Broadbent, Dental office. BOO Scott Bldg-., 168 Main. Turner Bros., Hay, Grain nnd Coal, 125 East Second South. 'Phones 1995. The name contest at Calder's is like the weather it's getting hot. Fun for kII at Calder's park. Eat your lunch m tho palm garden at the Royal. Ofllccs Tor Rent. The Capital It. E. I. Co. hns desk room and erround floor offices for rent, in their commodious quarters. No. 17 W. 2nd So. There is no better location loca-tion in the city. Sale on men's suits at Desky's. Sale on men's suits at Dosky's. Pure Linseed Oil Paints, Chas. H. Bodel, 33 E. 1st So. Dr. D. Moore Lindsay has moved his office to 171 Keith-O'Brien block. Dr. Keith has resumed his dental practice. 503 Scott Bldg.. 1G8 Main. Sale on men's buUb at Desky's. LECTURE Labor issues of past, present and future, fu-ture, by H. J. Hasson, refugee from San Francisco. Mr. Hasson has been laid up with the rheumatism for the past two months. The lecture is given to provide means to support a wife and four children. Lecture will be given in Federation hall Sunday evening-July evening-July 22, at 8 o'clock. Admission 50c' Tickets on sale at Schramm's drug store and union headquarters on 2nd st. SUMMER EXCURSIONS Via Oregon Short Line, Dally, June 1 to September 16. 1906 from Salt Lako City: , JortJand r Spokane and return (via Huntingdon), $42.00. San Francisco and return via OKden and 8. P. both ways, $42.00. Ban Francisco and return via Portland Port-land one way, $55.60. Loa Angeles and return via Oitden and S. P. both ways. $60.00. Los Angeles and return via Portland one way. $63.50. Proportionately low rates from othsr points. Final return limit of ticket. October Oc-tober 31. 8e" a'gentg for further particulars. Ordered to Pave Second Bt Tho Doard of Public Works 1 Contractor Moran to begin the fa; ing Second South street. CANNON BROS. CQMjgj Articles of Incorporation fPlfS the Secretary of StaUSta Articles of incorporation of non Brothers company wcra flliKJ! office of the County Clerk TnU"HL company is incorporated for of conducting a general real is'BI! ness and ha3 a capital stack 0Et divided into shares of the PR1 The officers of the company Ht J. "Cannon, president; Hugh JiB2"t I vice-president; JoBoph J. Caao.SE.5 urer: Preston J. Cannon, sebritBtli officers constitute tbeboanUjBj OGDEN CANYON EXCU Sunday, July S&MkSi Via Oregon Short Lino. R2H2f Ogden SLOO. Trains loayo -BKJl 7:10 or 10:30 a. m.. or 1:,3 or 6.05 p. m. Returning, IC,tKf 4:10 and 6:20 p. m.. and SP.5'! p. m., for the benefit of .tbofBPl airo to spend the whole day "jBcli yon. Streot cars now P,rt3K5i of canyon. Trout and caickea l the Hermitage, - jVp ii |