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Show BIG MILL BURNED Butte Plant of Montana Zinc Company Is Totally Destroyed. BUTTB. Mont., July 20 The mills of the Montana Zinc, company, a Now York corporation, were totally destroyed by fire, starting from a defective electric wire at 7 o'clock this morning. Tho plant is in the old silver mill of tho Alico Mining company, the oldest mill of tho sort standing in ttie State. Tho Montana Zinc company's plant, installed in-stalled a year ago at a coBt of S 135.000. was totally destroyed. Tho loss upon tho huildlng is estimated at $60,000. The total loss is $105,000, with insurance- of $80,000 C. fl Wisncr of N'ow York is" president of the zinc company. The flro could not be fought owing to tho lack of water. |