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Show J&rg vying with each other for supremacy in this week's selling. So it's easy to see that the magnetic power of 1 I Weach will double the usual Monday crowds. The greatest specials on first arrivals of spring goods and the last call I I ;1 and last chance on broken lots left over from the Great Clearance Sale, as they must be closed out this week. I m I Bargains that you can't get away from Prices that no one can duplicate for they are away below cost. I B , For Monday from 9 to 12 (FClock ESTABLISHED 1S64-- For Monday from 2 to 5 O'clock I REMARKABLE SALE OF 4 S mssss' Jt J$ j A Wonderful Sale ot IE NewMadras Cheviots FjfM&0 door panels n r m B Vi. J? as l8 jW Js! Mr itfj L-th- 't-tti . 11 'n m 1 As a11 wonders, the explanation is simple it is because we do the Iff f 2500 yards, 50c Pes. of the new cashable Madras Cheviots, all the splendid M WfiUtii MMM WLrfT eest Drapory Business in the West tl we could m new patterns of tho coming season, all the prettiest colorings, made by ono of J? Jf JrJTgl mlfW 4 W&BsLT JLJ I Door Panels at an Lnporter's Sale at practically our qwn price. H I tho best mills of our own land. Styles for waists, styles for children's and WjSgP & f&JWW a rl rfrt JW JZTEw &kJKW & 1 et7c:tt -r-rvrm -nrru -oa-m-ptc 3 H j . 14C j ONE PRICE TO ALL NEVER UNDERSOLD 23C I I j For Monday, 9 to 12 o'clock I Th 4 lpf FmhrnillOTV Ssllr a J I JH Odds and Bids of j For Monday, 2 to 5 o'clock I 1 1500 YARDS OF THE WHITE 1 WCdl IllUM HMO J DdiZ TtlOliSSldS QSfl ' j A REMARKABIjP EARLY SEA. I ijl Real Daisy Starts MoMky Morning Hwisaitds IJbg, Suite, Skirts, whtTSods" I fk?' -fiT-S-S 1 "WITH A PRICE SLAUGHTER SUCH AS YOTJ HAVE NEVER WITNESSED l l It ( 6CK OA J O 1 S riailI16i BEFORE. THIS WILL PROVE A RECORD BFEAKING SALE ON AC- S I WlW W-Hictc! Mil FllTO 20C L6I10 ailU batlll I m ACILJtffi.JLa.A C0UNT QF THB pjj CORD BREAKING VALUES OFFERED. WflSl W 31SIS OllQ ff UTS C J I M 4 I I J f The billed soft downy flannel (no THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF PIECES HAVE JUST ARRIVED "BJ M A Wllfit j otTiPCO LaWIlS SI I 1 substitute), roRular price loc- Mon- AND ALL GO ON SALE GREATLY BELOW REGULAR VALUE. ECwl!$Fl$ffl! Pf?-h - ! f day from 0 to 12 o'clock: limit 11 THESE EXTRAORDINARY OFFERINGS WILL DRAW THE CROWD Ell Ot! fill &l3? j tt-??JlV I llC 3 iSlFfl 1 H g yards to a customer, at a yard OF EAGER BUYERS TO OUR EMBROIDERY COUNTER THIS WEEK. V'hISvAVX mSJl. "STB 1 I AJ-Vti ji omjl u. mt ? I rft n a r il .j tf n At Wv Rpinw fVrct mMS S1 finest are Keduced toinoo ,-ardS B?d Ktin I 1 9C 50c Corset Cover Embroidery for 25c a Yard M fj m t0Sl mmm fnmmormiP Jt I 1 1 20 patterns of beautiful corset cover embroidery, 18 inches wide, with splen- Of MaMOfaCtlire 111 tOIUmOnpldtC Regular price 20c Monday from 2 I I J xi mr , nt , I edges that will not fray in washing. Not a piece in the 9ff- ", I TBwnS .1 too o uocK,nta jam- m 1 tor Monday, 9 to 12 o Clock lot worth less than 50c' aud m!iny morc of them go ou sale at &s (SPy i rices 1 HAIKU Wpmiiidk 90c Corsd Cwer Emto5dery for 49c a Yard HLiH2i ;ea,lse th0 lotg are small is no discvedit t0 the bar. llc I 5 nifUoC V Wl iSOPO O You'U marvel at the beautiful designs and extra good quality of the cmbroid- , 1 1 cf) fnr vr)11 .irp Pmn(,01.nprl "Rnf lnf U flio rnnc-nn 1 Xl 49c Silks, Dress Goods, gam, so iai as 3011 die contcincd. but that is the icason For Monday 2 to 5 O'CIOck i a big B;Vpgaix for Monday, iess tnan JUC a yait' Xlia sale prlce j Flannels White Goods I greatly lowered prices. We couldn t afford such a I 1 The $1 SO Kind for 75c Allover Embroideries gingham's, Prints, Table loss 011 iudreds we must expect it on odds and ends. I Women's Runabout 1 , A u MJliaia Jiva Pretty designs for waists, yokos, baby wear, etc.; 3 extraordinary special lots ! T a rpTTTTZ" j SUIT SPECIAL A WIND-UP SALE i CHILDREN'S COAT SPECIAL OP I C1,-M4. iS i We'll place on sale 300 best nuality pol safe a?P 35C I S l0WeIlngS OF ALL WOMBX'S TAILOR MADE FANCY MATERIALS. ALSO PLAIN bMYlS I flannelette House Wrappers, all trim- 0 Embroideries' vou'ti consider chean it" SI 50 I'varrt ' SheetmgS, MuslillS, etc. fl SI ITS THAT SOLD REGULAR AT COLORS. ALL NEATLY TRIMMED j 1 -S mcd with braid and made with deep I tmpioiaenea you a consiaei cnea QQP -2rJ 1 r I $-10.00. $4fi.on. $50.00 AXD UP TO:A.-n ni-T'OT? TED WITH "METVL I TPTU HA F!nrl $m CO a R -S flounce, iu dark or fancy colors. I n "J? hB a.fc ; v ReilinantS Ofevery COl- j $65.Q0, EOR MONDAY m mrnmiaa aa MM WT 5dC R Wrappers worth up to ?L.-)0. Mon- 1 Beautiful Sviss, nainsook and cambric all over embroideries, - I 6 ONLY AT J.alL3W lJUTIONS. Oulv .fo.OO ten A A S v m j daymormucr from 0 to 12, they'll go worth ?2.00 a yard, ou sale at JJ)JL.3W j or and Weave yOU Can ( WOMEN'S " CO 4.T " SPECIAL EN F0R Wool Walkin- Skirts in brown onlv. I W i " Swiss, nainsook and cambric embroidery, edgings, insertions think of. Short lengths tire stock ok heavy winter nBr0I;nJuJrfTrA???; o?tn 1 I l S'&i illld llPflflincrc , S t v n 7T T 7 E COATS IN COLORS OR BLACK OPIOSLM, EL EC TR It SEAL AAD I j buttons, all lengths, skirts. M M L ! UH1 "tiUUIlS left from the greatest I THAT FORMERLY SOLD UP TO BROWN MARTIN SCARFS, VAL- 1 worth $2.00. Monday from 2 to 5 I if ii , 1 ; at less than one-half regiUar value, divided into four great sale lots at a yard 7 : : 7 1 $22.-50. FOR MONDAY A A A UES UP TO A12.50. &0 B p. m., at Si ; 9. b0 i 9iorf Iftn cut price clearing sale j they go at -marked down 'to 3.75 m I For Monday, 9 to, 12 O'Cloek j " ' " j ever held in Utah are I skirt special-a great va- waist special-odds and ends 88C I B I Embroidery FloiincIn at 49c Yd. ! priced this week at iess ! SIS SunIbout sklthe m7coLoTEoNLY?TLLzEs! 1 I UliiarSll S j 2500 yards Emljroidcrod Flouncine, 27 inches wide, for children's dresses, than the CQSt to US. ! Sio 'aND TO L?5 7oYFOR COME EARLY MONDAY MORNTNG, 1 Vno MftTlrtflV 2 Ift f) OTIOfk 1 M 1 Union Sells lXlT'0'. pretl:yi3attcrn.9: ... .49c ' lh?XD:vy0NLY $2.45 W.BY.:::::.:-:::.::25c y I M : n iMHi-i'-.-tfciHw 11 i ' 1 - CHILDREN S 1 SI j Best 35c Grade at 15c QQfa mi Ends Of SIls and IreSS An Odd and Cl! MfeggORfe al KeeR'y Cut Prices This Week 1 MITTENS I '31 Children's natural prnv Jer.sey rib- a r"t tj rt t 4 L3 fia 9 w wfir 5 I W j ; i Goods at Oean-Un Prices m h& e 01 -"-c Men's High Grade Wool I '1 4 bo An early selection gives the buyer the best of it in a sale of I HCfC'S BaHJSlin SliaBS !0r YOU. ir t jffl tho best. 25c nuality, on sale for 3 I m I ' IDC this character. Take the hint. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S BED FELT SLIPPEES UeOeFWeaF hours Monday at a pair- I 1 j- L0t 1 at 25C a Yard 0JapSj;j- i SSoSi? ta?(5SL-8Vi fc 2' ONE LOT of M.. Medium Weight Wool Underwear. A splendid I I I 1 " " - fancy mixturos, Plaids and Plain d?2s mrth to r'K tZm nS s ! SI 25 m , S M 1 - fhiMrra'Q Militarv lrn sAt t,luc3' ctc" piaS vjl.&o , For Monday, 2 to 5 o'Cloclc I 1 ( VWiUfla (Cfil IVOHBltaE J ALL & AX, A yu atll grC)lter rctiuce(i prlces per solos, (si?.cs W-i to 13V2), worth $1.-10. Special price j ONE UOT Men's High Grade Heavy Weight Wool Undorwoar. A if "a OA 3 2Sff yard i this week, per pair splendid soller at a garment S3.00. This week at 9 FSMo,l I !5 l Sweaters c 38c, 49c and 69c 81.00 i Boys Outmg Flannel I : m SIZES 2 TO 4 YEARS. , Lot 2 fit 45C a Yard .aaoTZf8 , MEN'S GOOD GBADE RUBBERS (all sizes), value i O WaiSfS I J m nieelv assorted coiors in Ox- mdudes values up to 90c. con- ffifc Snt? 'frS "olfe ft 05c' 01ota5 sal S To'S ?!fi5 Sa VOrth " f J' font ana white, navy and red :, Royal j sisting of Storm Serges, Pana- yards, all at less than cost in tho f I garmont '0"' ZZ - I In broken sizes dark colors, nicely R 1 J.M and red. villi belts, an all wool ! rnas. Cheviots Cashmeres. Silk clean-up sale. t OWL ?A 1 n nroKon sizes, oar cuio . a n Sweater, value 1.00. On sale Mon- I Lustres, Brilliantinos. Plaids, BLACK SILKS I LITTT p rrwr ATMn votttw' rnrm rttt?-rvpc; I H made, a pood seller at oOc each, to g 1 M d""V' rrm " 12 C'Mk "" al- i fUFZo I"Td "0VC,,i0S' SiS: gSV - 98C I W JrJ??i ONE LOT m-. mm 0d. wool w worth a sent I " " I iLJ ,S, I .J-JjMLrMl.,)MnM JUrrrrn-w- ...imiiuJ |