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Show THIRD DAY'S IRK I If UiB I They Are in a Much More MM Amiable Frame of Mind H Than Before. II BUT NOT BOUGHT TO IT; I REPUDIATE ALL SCANDAL Declarations Mafle in the Reso- H lutions Reported and I Adopted Reports. I ? Officers Re-Elected. j. . Senator F. B. Warren, president, H 4- re-electcrl, Cheyenne. Wyo. Hj r Dr. J. M. Wilson, vice-president, 4- re-elected. Douglas, Wyo. r HI 4- Col. Truesdalo, Eaatern vice- -j- HQ 4- president, elected In tho place of v ML 4. Morti Levering, Washington, D. v ME c- I HI J The secretary and treasurer are mmj the choice of the executive com- 4 Ma 4- mlrtee. but there Is no doubt that 4. IDS the present Incumbents. George 5. 4 IB Walker and A. J- Knollln. will be 4 HI 4. reappointed. y HHj US Salt Lake wins the next National UU Woolgrowers convention; informal was He the vote, but none the less effectual for JRj that. It is a signal reward for a hearty H welcome, comfortable treatment, and courteous attention to Iho delegates at- ! tending this convention. Salt Lake HI unanimously returns thanks for this MM signal honor. H Tho third and last day of the con Htf ventiou was distinguished by a feeling uj of amity and getting together that HHj made all things pleasant', and that; was Um in marked contrast to tho aggressive H ueS6 of the first day 's proceedings. MM |