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Show SAYS LAW IS WRONG Japanese Fathor Holds No 111 Will Against Californians. SAX FRANCISCO, Jan. 19. M. Ao-ki Ao-ki father of tho 10-year-old boy who has been selected as the plaintiff in the test suit brought by the Government in the school controversy, gave an interview today in which ho. told of his hopes for the boy and his plans in Ihe present suit. iTe said that when tho Board of I Education mndo its order segregating the Japanese children from the other pupils lie refused to let the boy go to the Oriental school, because he considers consid-ers there is no lack of equality between the Japanese and other foreigners. "My boy will remain hero,'' he said, "and will not go back to Japan. I intend in-tend to prepare him for the university. 1 have no ill foeline in tho matter, as I realize that tho Board of Education is enforcing the lnw, but 1 ('onsidor tho law wrong. Wo arc not Mongolians we are Asiatics." Aoki, who is a book seller mid publisher, pub-lisher, has recently issued a copy of the Third Reader, in which tho English and Japanese arc interlined, so as to bo of great assistance to the Japanese children. |