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Show ARRESTED BY SHERIFF. James Dalino Gathered In on Charge of Grand Larceny. Special to The Tribune. EUREKA. Jan. 10. James Dalino, an Italian, was arrested last night upon a chargo of erand larceny. Dalino iu company with another Italian formerly conducted a saloon at this place, but closed the place and secreted the stock of goods for tho alleged purpose of defrauding de-frauding their creditors. The goods were moved out of the plnce in the night, and the two Italians mndc a getaway. get-away. For some unknown renson, Va-lino'returned Va-lino'returned to camp last night and he had no sooner landed here than Sheriff Whitehead had him locked up. He will be given a hearing on tho 20th and iu the meant ime will be the guest of the Sheriff, uuless he is able to raise a $300 bond, which is hardly likely, as his countrymen heer do not approve of his actions. |