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Show A VAST CONGLOMERATION fl Coyote Hills Chomical Com"binations, J H tlio Greatest in North America. f H ASITLAND, Or., Jan. 17 F. R H Swingle, otic of tlie oading cattlemen j 0 of Lake and Klamath counties, Or., who Ijg makes his home in Ashlaud, speaking H of the Coyote Hills countrj-, neat JH Yarner lake, in Lake -coiiat', says jtW that the scope ot country contains mare ljH different chemical combinations of soil jH and water, and larger quantities ot HI various miuerals than any other spot in VB North America, The whole county baa UH the appearance of being a volcanic up- HI heaval of tbe ocean bottom in bygone 9H days. One of the nianj' oddities in mJ tho chemical line in tho country Is I Alkali lake, situated in the summer- IB sun-blistered country west of Juniper Dl mountain and thirty miles due north of H the Lakoview mines, in the Coyote Hills M mining district. This lako is a natural AH artesian well of huge proportions. It. OH consists of a perpendicular hole in the earth about forty feet m BH diametor and of unknown depth, out of IS which continuously flows a large stream ' MB of cool water, clear as crystal, which M will "knock the sox off 'f a kntter animal or human, soon as thoy swal- Hl low a few gulps of its inviting M limpiditv. It is sure death. "But. in the jH clear liquid depths of tho treacherous MM waters, like gold fish in a glass vase, 1UM can be seen eveloss fish of beautitul mjm radiant colors," soino a bright emerald jgKJ green, gliding grotosquoly about. Cat- HH tlemeu of tho country have tried to BJ fathom the flowing hole by attaching tmm a wagon wrench to the end of a coil of HO wire usod for fencing, but have never been able to touch bottom. In the sun-baked, dismnl region round UW about the many lakes and wind-swept HgJ desert peaks in Lako county aro ever y gRag evidence of immenao deposits of conl BjJD nnd oil fthe sandrock-enpps staiul thcro as proof), dry lakes of soda, salt and H other chemical combinations, and rtis- MM tributcd throughout the great dykes of partly porous rock is gold in such iBH qu:inttt.icp tliat. when experienced mi- Bj nine men of moans begin to invade tho country (which it; is now evident they Mj will do this coining summer), the gold BB fields of southern Novada, with all their jH great richos, will be given tho go-by for tho groat gold dykoB of southern mB Oregon. Tho stampede will surpass any BeQi gold excitement ever known. Pv! |