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Show wi mi mi a BIRGHAM PROPERTY Bingham-New Haven Company Gets Into Shape for Interesting In-teresting Work. The Bingham-New Haven Mining and Milling company is preparing the property for ono of tho most intesest-ing intesest-ing periods of tho property's history. General Manager Doolittlo on Monday statcd that the management could not attempt to do any crosscutting of the rich copper body recently found in the tunnel until the property was in shapo to take caro of the ores extracted necessarily nec-essarily in the process. The compnny, therefore, is rushing work upon the new ore bins, and , upon their completion comple-tion the management will bo ablo to explore this extromely fine rod inetnl body in the most approved fashion. Local circles are watching the Bingham-New Haven operations with con-sidorablo con-sidorablo interest, and when the company com-pany has gone into tho orebodv far enough to allow some ostimato to bo made of its extent upon that level, it is thought that tho result will be one of great gratification to the company and io all Bingham. Tt will be recalled that the management followod this splendid copper ore in the tunnel for a distance of 120 feet along its strike. Thoro are several fissures ahead of this working which will bo opened up during dur-ing the next few months of develop mcnt, and the property is confidently expected to emphasize stronger its importance im-portance as a Bingham red metal producer. pro-ducer. Tho Bingham-Now Haven compnny for somo time past has boon pursuing tho oven tenor of its way. creating very little comment, and making very little smoke, but a great deal has been accomplished. The stockholders have mot all expenses from their own pockets, pock-ets, and it is due the management and tho property to say that all these outlays out-lays of money have been more than repaid, and two dividends in addition have served to establish the wisdom of the effort expended bv this Eastern organization. . |