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Show gangers of a Cold and How to Avoid Them, tltore fatnlitica have their origin in Hg-reBult from a cold than from any ifeSu Cn"SC This fnct n,ono fihuld Ka peopl Inoro careful as there is ,iQ$.nKcr whatever from a cold when rfey properly treated in the bepinnine mfflr many years ChamberLtin 'a Couch Remedy has been recognized as tho Jjpwt prompt and effectual medicine in so for this disease. It acts on na urc a plan, Ioohcub the couKh, relieves Who iuuRS, 0J)ens tho sccretionfl a. Hut B nature in restorinpr hc system to jjf; healthy condition. Sold by all lead- l LOW RATES EAST Via D. & R, G. R. R., Jan, 22. To Chicago and return ..,$4.4.50 To Kansas City nnd return.... 3200 To Minneapolis and return. 4U90 To Denver and roturn 19.' 75 ' Many other points one fare plus -$2. Good 00 days returning. Stop-overs allowed. al-lowed. For particulars seo any jj. & R. G. agent. ONLY $19.75 To Denver and Roturn, From Salt Lake, via O. S. L-. and U. P. Tickets on sale January 19 and 20 limited to February 10. City ticket office, 201 Main street. I Sec that the Olive Oil i .You Use Bears the Sign of the I MALTESE I CROSS I Specially put up y us for j I tablo and culinary usos, in pint 5 i bottles, 75c. Maltese Cross Olive S Oil is of our own bottling and i H carries our guarantee. Monoy 3 n refunded if it is not entirely sat- a I isfnetory. . m SCIMlll'S I WHERE THE OARS STOP. j f I The bread winner's i I choice, and the bread I maker's first assistant, jj I Husler's ! j J Flour j " i007 Roo Touring Car, 20 H. P., S1250. SHAKMAN AUTOMOEILE CO, MONARCH HARDWARE CO. ivifl You$et, a Raping WMvsl pound of the pure m St old-fcishioned Ar-JTIfflS Ar-JTIfflS V Okies' ARIOSA Coffee, that took care of the nerves and digestion of your grandparents, and has been the leading coffee of the world for 37 years. You'll never have to quit I drinking Arbuckles Don't let any man switch you over to coffee that pays him big profits at the expense of your heart, stomach and nerves. Compiler with all requirement! of the Nationl Pure .Food Law, Guarantee No. 2041, filed at Wiihingion. " Good? Well I guess yes 1 Didn't you ever taste 600 d old "Bottlea in Bond' Its flavor is surpassingly fine its purity is never questioned. It is the same good old whiskey it has always been "Since 1857" A. Gucicenheimer & Bros. Distillers Pittsburgh, Fa. Since 1857 If you cannot come in jjerson, phone 65 for the correct time. I HOTEL METR0P 35 East Third South. MRS. E. M. BUDGETT, Proprietress. Modern In every particular and up to date. Modern Plumbing and House Healing. I GEO. G. BOYLE & CO. Phones 162. 211 S. Stalo St. I , GOVERNOR CUTLER IS RIGHT. lie says a board of exumlnurp for J thOGC who would practice optoniolriftv y la a necessity: that the eyos of many U are Injured by Incompetents. You c avoid danger and disappointment bv 5 consulting a practical optician " 1 .1. II . KNICKERBOCKER, f: New location. 1(3 Main Street. j jj WOODRUFF 1 1 WALL PAPER, PICTURES, t-ARTISTS' t-ARTISTS' MATERIALS, t 70 B, 3d So, Boll I'ono S570. j Has Removed "to " "w.' Third South Street, Rooms 1, 2, 3. I nf ! THE KNOWLEDGE OF DISEASE I li I IS HALF ITS CIME. . I f-fl S TTL AiTi ?O B WHO ARE K7 KEED OP A SPECIALIST W.tLL cAlrl, ON ME I Kit 'H PI2ST YOXT WIU 2iOT HAVE EO IAJIY DOOTOE KILLS TO PAY. I mf YEARS IN SALT LAKE CITY. 1 ml) 'H I, , ' vale Diseases. Just cmll and I 'iv g aBHBtfaHr'rSPWrfgagiii ag; eco for yourselves. g If T' i Comsultataon Free. tf3 ? ' I a No Fay Unless Cured. Hi :- H ffl -- , wjwMi ! j culine gender, none rcquiro more skill, intelligent, l v ! painstaking, conscientious treatment than such as t' r j, , ' those tvlio come under our observation. , ,' (. . If your system is impaired in any -way, como and have a talk vith us. y We may be able to set you right again if wc can cure you we would i ( like to undertake vour case. For many years wc have made a specialty of ; jH j MEN'S DISEASES, and we know we can cure you, IF your case is curable. j 1 Experimenting and theories are things of the psst. Our treatmont em- ; IH 5 braces the most modern and scientific principles, founded on years of sue- 1 1 cessful practice. I j? . f Wc cure by tho latest and best methods known to medical science VARI- ft ! COSE or EIOTTED VEINS, BLOOD POISON, JTERVO-VITAL DEBILI- L : TY, BLADDER AND KIDNEY TROUBLES, and all associate diseases ' ' ! ) and weaknesses, with their reflex complications. s.l .t ) "V7e have cuTed thousands. If your physical condition is impaired, if your fj, , - vitality is assailed from overwork ana worrv, if your svstcm is tainted with i disease in any form whatever, YOIT OWE IT TO YOURSELF to seek and ; ' i' ' obtain restorative power at once. . HOME TREATMENT. H !If you aro in or near the city you should apply for treatment in person, ifi-V1 but if you live too far away for this, writo us a full and unreserved history ' L p IH of your case. You will rcccivo as careful, conscientious and painstaking at- . r 'A " IH tention as if you came to our office dailj-. As men in different parts of Can- P ada and Mexico, as well as all over the United States, are being cured by p f'Jr4 our S3'siem of Home Treatment, wo feel fully .iustificd in claiming that it r!f I'-H is tho most perfect and successful system devised. (. t Writo for Free Diagnosis Chart, and 100-page Book, ou Diseases of Men. J v " Hours: 9 a. m. to o p. in.; evenings, 7 to S:30; Sunday's, 9 a. m. to 12 noon. i ' salt mice medical institute J I I 1 59V2 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. ! H 'Tn i m i i ii "i n i ttti ii y i ii i 1 1 ii ii ni i i i i i n i 1 1 in tr-r i n ii 1 1 i1 1 m w i ' . H I We Cere Wfeee titers Fall. Many men no doubt hesitato coming to me on account of having been j j' I I badly treated by otliov doctors. Perhaps they liave become so skeptical L j ' jH as to think thoro is no cure for them. I want an opportunity to treat L j, . Just such mon. In somo cases it makes no difference abotit tho financial ij' !' t part. I will accept pay for my services as benefits are derived, provided " ( I am satisfied the person is sincere and reliable. jj 'f m BLOOD POESON lH m 1 VARSCOCELL: ! M M m ' ' V8TAL DEBILITY ii ; TO STRICTURE :'( j i V 41 PJs, Fistula and ALL H 1 M Investigate s JizJllT My ability, modem methods and roasonabla n , charges before placJac your case- clsowhero. f H PR, COOK'S SCIENTIFIC, CERTAIN ! AND COMPLETE CURE FOR ; crraa fzsra Melancholia. Weak Trcm- ij.My at lUghl. and Weak. a m R ! ' " IttSl b,cn' Varicocele Srcos- : Aching Sack, Diseaocrt 19L T 1 ' H He ufid tlva drl"as, Esposnro, M Kidiioys, laaamed Pron- BM 3 8 i ' H fie-ffl Ovorvrork aud Worry. rao tate. Dcapondont. Xaoh IlH h r H a Wbi Proclucityj Brain Fag. fjBfT or Energy, Ambition and 1 Ml I ! ! H H "-q 11081 Vigor, Manly De. 52 strcuBth. Poor Memory, Q WI t H h Wi ti cliuo aud Wonk- i. I Hollovr-Sycd, Face Pint U II n f X H eBa l8 effife ness. Lost Manhood. fi lilea nnd Dark OirclcJ JL ''iW'f' H Weak, Kervous, Rostlcja Under Eyes f 5 1'' B IMPOnTAMT I trill euro yon for less money Uian you can bo treated for by any H othc. r.iicclallut in Salt Lako. You may have to come to mo sooner or later in ordor E fc M to bo properly cured: why not beforo you have loh your monuy in rtoctorlnu vith f T ' 1 cheap, uiickillod .ipecialists? t OUEF. OR KO CHARGE ABSOLT7 TELV NO CHARGE XJNIiESS SATI3FAC ' , i, Q'lON IS GIVEN. Evory pationt is given a -writteii guarantee to refund cverv dollar 1','H paid for services if they do not rcccivo a complete, llfo-losg euro and cntlra satlsfao- I rVl , H CONSULTATION TREK, CONFIDE NTIAL nnd INVITED. A personal, thorough f b . Vx' H r.nd :J;aichinK examination is ruquin-d, though if no- cnuvvnlent to call, writo mo a full I h - 'jl description of your trouble. Oflk-u hours: 0 a, m. to 8 p, m., except Sundays, from p ' ' IH 10 to 12:30. U i- H We MakeNo Extra Charge for Medicine j :'' 5 - "" 'il 1 jM |