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Show TWO DAYS' DELAY INMIAl Court Is Busy With "Magic Boots" Case aud Postponement Postpone-ment Is Hence Secured. MORBID-MINDED CROWD BARRED FROM COURTROOM Slayer of Architect White Appears Ap-pears Cheerful and Happy on Eve of Trial. NEW TOKK, .Tan. 21. The trial of Harry K. Thaw was today postponed until Wednesday. Tho delay in finiehintr the FUJgart "magic boots" caso is the cause of this temporary postponement of Thaw's trial for the murder of Stanford White on .Time 25, 1000, at tho Madison Square Hot Garden. The 200 talesmen, tales-men, which had been summoned for tho case, were excused until the. resumption re-sumption of the trial. The alleged slayer of Rtanoid White was held in tho prisoner's room in the criminal court's building while the roll of 200 talesmen summoned on the special spe-cial jury panel was being called. All persons other than the talesmen were excluded from the court room. Even the newspapermen were held outside. out-side. The large crowd gathered to catch a glimpse of Thaw was disappointed. During his journey from the prison cell to the courthouse Thaw was not once exposed to public gaze. Jerome Explains Delay. District Attorney Jorome appeared before Justice Fitzgerald, who is to try the case, and explained that counsel in the pending ease, that of Matthew Hilgcrt, believed thoy could conclude the trial by Wednesday. He therefore asked that the special panel called for the Thaw case be excused until 'Wednesday 'Wednes-day morning. The court ordered that this be done. Thaw consulted with his counsel several sev-eral times during the proceedings and during one of those consultations ho was allowed to enter the juryroom, from which he caught his first glimpse of the courtroom in which ho is to bo tried for his life. Today's announcement of the postponement post-ponement was anticipated and the disappointment dis-appointment the prisoner felt over tho dela3' was not great. Thaw Appears Happy. Thaw himself appeared happy and confident and walked with a spring' step, He had arisen bright and early, apparent! nnxious for his trip across the bridge from the Tombs prison to the courtroom. ITis wife arrived at the prison too late to sec him. She did not go to the courtroom. It was reportod that Howard Xesbit, brother of Mrs. Harry Thaw, has ar- ( rived in tho city and will visit District Attorney Jerome's office, and offer to testify as a witness for the prosecution and in defense of the reputation of Stanford White, who was his benefactor. benefac-tor. The Countess of Yarmouth and Mrs. George L. Carnegie visited Thaw this afternoon. Clifford W. Ilnrtridge is quoted as having said todaj' that he will place experts on tho witness stand during the coming trial to testify as to Thaw's sanity. |