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Show JOSEPH F. SMITH GETS IN GAME Subpoenaed as Witness in Schelller Case. Immediately the Schettler Family Proposed a Compromise. Summons Acted Like n Chnim and Creditors Will Be Benefited; Hlo-varch Hlo-varch Will Not Appear. Joseph T Smith president "f the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and William 15 Preston, the presiding bishop of tho church, were subpoenaed yesterday morning to appear in Referee Baldwin'g court on FTlda moraine; p g witnesses In tin bankruptcy proceedings against H. n. Bchettler, Before i; o'clock an offer of compromise In the case had been made bv Joseph f Kawlins. attorney for Schtttler, to Stewart & Stewart, attorneys for the creditors, and before 6 o'clock last escnlng the negotiations whreb tie compromise was practically accepted by tho creditors had been accomplished The papers need only the signatures of a majority ma-jority of the creditors and the approval of Referee Baldwin, and these, It is understood) under-stood) will b obtained without delay. Reasons for Compromise. When It was learned yesterday afternoon after-noon that a continuance had been taken In the S. hettler .'us.- pending m notlutloii? looklnK toward a compromise speculation as to the reason ..r the compromise wero freely expressed. Later, when It was learned that Joseph F. Smith and William Wil-liam b. Preston hmi been subpoenaed as witnesses In the case, thoso who had expressed ex-pressed wonder during the e.irh part of the afternoon shook their he oN wisely, as much na to suy. ' I understand now." Hierarch Gets in Work One of the well-known m.-n of the city, who has taken a deep Interesl In the proceedings against Bchettler from the very first, was not slow to express his opinion In the matter In these wrds when it came to a question betwet n the Schettltrs giving up their BrlKham sti .t home und Joseph F Smith and William B, Preston h. mg put on the sl uid t t. s-tlfv s-tlfv about the workings of the tlthi.n; system of the Mormon church, it didn't taks a prophet se.-i and revelator of the M .rrii'-n onurch to t.-u what would be dom Joseph P. Smith told the Schettlers what they must do inder tht circumstances circum-stances and, ilk-- all faithful Mormons, they came up to the- scratch. ' What Compiomlse Is. Bv the compromise, which it Is practl-cally practl-cally set led will h.- effected this morning, morn-ing, the proceedings In Referee Baldwin s court agalnaf Banker Bchettlei will bo dropped ior the time being, and this will save President Smith and Bishop Preston the embarrassment of telling what they know about the tithing system. One of the terms of the compromlst was thai the present line of Investigation (that of a- . . i t. lining how the wives and sons of Bchetfler came into possession of tht i propert ie dropped, Will Surrender Property. By the terms of the compromise, which Were made in writing b Senator Kuw- iins umi presented to the attorneys for the creditors, Mrs Alan Morgan Sch tt-ler, tt-ler, the llrst wife of B. H. Schettler. agrees to surrender the BrlKham street property as ass, ts of tht bank and pay all legal expenses on her side of the case, the creditors n--t only to drop bankruptcj proceedings against Mi Bchettler, but to provide Mrs. Schelller with a comfortable llUine Oil one of the lllllet r sld ill e strc et.s of the- eit the price paid for the house to riot ' d J.VNl In ulue Many Creditors Represented. When tho proposition was made to Messrs Bl war! & Stewart, they Immediately Imme-diately asked continuance of the hearing hear-ing until 10 O'ciot k this morning, and called a meeting of creditors nt their of-fict of-fict ior z o'clock yesterday afternoon A large majority t tn- creditors were represented rep-resented at the meeting, either in person "T bj powei ol attorney, and the matter was discussed fur nearly four hours Attorney Stewart's View. Trustee Gould H Blakely and his at-torney, at-torney, C B Stewart, wSre both present at the meeting and s:ii.i they were friter-ested friter-ested only In the creditors receiving the Ini'K'est proportion possible of the accounts thej had deposited in the h.-mk, and If to accept the offer of the attorneys for Mr Bchettler seemed the wisest thing for th. creditors t" do, they would ..ffer no Objection in fact Mr Stewart said he believed be-lieved it would be the best thing for the creditors to do What Property Is Worth. In support of Ms argument, Mr. Stewart pointed out that last fall the propert.- In question was assessed at $30,m" It is In ,i commanding location, he- said, and with the advancing values of real cstaf. expressed ex-pressed the opinion that the creditors would be able to realise between V0,0 and $60 000 for tho nropertv In a little while la the liabilities of the bank were placed at about HOO.OOO, this would mean a Settlement of between 50 and BO cents on the dollar, w hich In more, than a majority of the creditors hoped to rc.-uize. None of the creditors preuent expressed any opposition to the plan, but It took come time to mnke it clear to them Just what would he the effect :.:f their ao ept-lr.g ept-lr.g the compromise, or composition as It Is called In a court of bankruptcy. What Law Provides. Tho law provides that a bankrupt may ffer terms of composition after ne hals been examined In open court and after he has tiled in court the schedule of his prop, erty and a list of his creditors. The law-further law-further provides that an application for the confirmation of a composition may be tiled In a court of bankruptcy after It ha been accepted In writing by a majority ma-jority of creditors whose, claims have been allowed, w hich number must i - present n majority In amount of such claims Mr s hettler has had his bearing in the bankruptcy bank-ruptcy court and if a majority of creditors credi-tors approve the composition proposed, there is little doubt th.it Kef. ree Baldwin will pass favorably upon their action, as he B8id yesterday afternoon that he wanted want-ed to do whatever a majority of the creditors credi-tors wanted him to do, so long as it Is fair Mr Stewart will apply to Mr Baldwin earl this morning for a further continuance contin-uance of the c.ise. At in o'clock a met t-Ing t-Ing of creditors will be hold at Mr St'-wart s office, when the papers In the case will be signed. These papers will bo referred to Referee Baldwin who will In turn refer them to Judge Marshall of the Federal court. where bankruptcy matters must be finally passed upon. Will Stay Proceedings. If Judge Marshall approves the composition, composi-tion, proceedings brought by the creditors who nave accepted tne compromise will Ih .lsinls---'l ! 111--. h..v. . r will not dire pese of the bankruptcy case ,,f Mr bchettler, the composition offered being merely to stay proceedings against th.-property th.-property belonging to tho wives und sons. |