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Show WORK FOR GOOD ROADS. Membeis of National Association Leave for Western Tour. CHICAGO. May J To further the movtOTieht f r good roads a part) of fili . n or twenty members of the National Na-tional Good Roads Association and Government Bnglneera left Chicago to-day to-day on a Imir of '..-st.-rii eltl.-s w h. li is to end at Portland, cr., in time for the national convention on June 22 to 21 at the Lew lb and lark exposition. Ani.iL' those who will make the trip ar Col. W. 11. Moore, prealdefh of the nalional nsso. latlon ; Martin Dodge. dlre tor of tho 1 . rnnient ofll C public road inquiries; George W. Coo-ley, Coo-ley, president of the Minnesota branch of the association, and '-.i T P. Kix , let turer for the aasoi lation. Tin- trip is to Include forty-five cities, the first stop scheduled being al Men-dota, Men-dota, 111. The party will i..- In charge of W. h. Manns, industrial commissioner commis-sioner of the Uurllncton railroad. |