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Show WANTED BIG SUM. Ogden Choir Not Likely to Accept the S500. The munificent upproprlat ton of $W for the eapenses of the Tabernacle choir to the Portland Port-land fair has been accepted here with variant kinds of comment. There Is no question but that the choir win k to the Lewis and Clark exposition, but the nh;ii-.ir.ll nprtlinmi nt by the commission will probably be refused. Rudolph Kuchler aimed for an appropriation of $3000 Thla sum would not have paid the expenses of the organization, nnd they were leady to furnish their personal expenses, out of their own funds. As It Is. the people of .-1 1 nnd Weber COOnty are moving 10 raise 11,.. necessary funds to send the choir to tbn fair, nnd there Is a probability that they will decline thu tV appropriated |