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Show ANHA J LITHIA WATER. 1 jtverythlng Good." escl '& Co , ORden. I Llndi. . if - I: Lako, I'M - - MISCELLANEOUS. c Gkn kt.ati t: rt :is I 1133 AntANT, I'inxi; fini: jtlon A 1 S Trlhum il IjK fK THE HE ST I'll" U'- tBty. pood furnltun 10 g SUIC '' Kia " : i I ' ' I II K Bddross S . Tribune HcArnvFAGE 118 W. 5T1I MtTdLAlDi3AK E OVENS: A hot. I M449 KIEU "OLDS" TOt'H-Jheap TOt'H-Jheap EOR CASH. r; : i I . . . t 4 a monil; i . .i 1 1. n Al por particular. si THE sr, n ' ' RCANT1U URDKI KS a D P. WALKKR RLPr; CLAND I'ON AND Tul' ionUiilon; chtar ' W 2m) f h23i BpNG EXTENSION TOP Be for country nr pble surrey harness E.i Co. hj:o. BtNG-HOl'SE IN TOV L cheap n in. lone; I- f-se best li.cat'nn, pava over I-Clear. I'm- , Th.-K Th.-K account ot his health. that !' 11 ii. !.. ' mi v. Ill Bones hack. jiiJ ha'.. I r . -cost" p, No 4 W 2i,.l S-i liL'2-"..", AtRIGEKAT' ilt ' . ISIJl .lost $11 00 Ea.-i Thh;d W SELL ANYTHING '1 Tribune , indnr this w attr ..ct munj Inquiries Some one paper hus the tail "IS of advertising BflNE Lota Tii i N ; GOOD 2"r'' Tribune. 1 . kJSTAl'RANT, GOOD LOOA-jd LOOA-jd So AyURNITI ' RE OF S-RM. rented . jr,i , 89 CHU.KfclRlNG 1'IANU E 3 ovei I t ;, mo. 1 I. .ink 1 1 hl3h$ fBS MEKKY-ijo-iuil ND. DO i tine boats Inquire 2j fo WHITE WYANDOTTE 2V Pekin dijrk .p, si per Wk nch, &10 So. 7th E. pK h5l 1 BTORE. COMPLETE; am 18 W 2nd South hlbS RO KS, REDS AND Mk Yards. Ogden. Cata- ho"j0 SPV' RESTAURANT; ill-health Apply Manar.r, tf r.'.'l '3M,.CASH REG., NEARLY 1e Electric Supplv Co., 151 jM h4M I ' MGHTAX D S',LD, 1UW a - r '"' alius ts BNai- fi i'.v'.ti ki; r JfKH"0, r'Jr"ll"n- lir.t cla lc-JC lc-JC ar,,l"'l 'I s.-i- tin- Knl'..-. W Br"k" r?. 2TH I). F aik, , pRns. s Di iz iTT aTiT K. '';,r. ' Mi. w in. i.. ..I EjpiijL 1:"7 BOLES.VFK. AND RET 11 fc,8,"11'' -"P rei.il AS111' 10t la8t ""Or ( V, r; fi. t";:" i, "f ,Ms "'p- O'llVEY "( M"1'1,5 Hur'Ki:Hs. Xfr C.rRR,IAGE HORSE A9!?i ' h " kh' -' 'red Ai-JLJliifjUrlKham. Ai-JLJliifjUrlKham. nr. rtiM'TF0R i-'i -)E ok r 'T7T-1!- OGDEN AND RETURN $1.00 Via D. & R. G Saturday. May 6. Special train leaves Salt Lake. 9 30 a. m. Everybody Invited. DENVER EXCURSION Via Oregon Short Line, May Tib and Mb Round trip only 118.00 Tickets good for return until May lith. CltjrMIcket office, 201 Main street. Rlnc out the old, Rlne In the new, Rlnc out the false, Rlnp in the true Ring up the Independent No. Gl and order a goad 'phone. $1! for residences, u 11 private wires. A Good Suggestion. Mr. C. B. Walnwrlghl of Lemon City. Fla., has written the manufacturers that much better results are obtained from the use Of Chamberlain's folic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In cases of pains In the stomach; :oli and cholera chol-era morbus by taking It In water as hot as can be drank Thai when taken In this way the effect is double In rapidity. ra-pidity. "It seems to gel at the right spot Instantly." he says. Fur sale by all leading druggists. TEA H T low very different tea and coffee are ; and yet how they go together! Id the matter of Confections if you will take tho trouble to try McDonald's Whipped Cream Chocolates. All good. Dealers sell them- I G. McDonald I Candy Co, I SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH, "BEST OF THE GOOD ONES. THREE CROWN FLAVORING EXTRACTS Are of "high strength" and "abso-, lutely pure." Ask the Grocer. j Hewlett Bros. Qo. , |