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Show RUN DOWN BY STREET CAR. Prominent Butte Man Probably Fatally Fa-tally Injured in Accident. Bl'TTE. Mont.. May 3 Robert M. Campbell, formerly on Alderman !n this city and for twenty-flvn rssri a resident of Butte, was serlousb. If not fatally Injured on Eat Park street la;e last nluht In a street -car accident. Sir. Cample-II vus rrosslnp Park street, near Ohio, and was unable to see the approaching approach-ing car on account of a coal wairon. Tho lootornion oil Lllfl car was unulilo to see Campbell Camp-bell for the samo reason, and when tho unfortunate un-fortunate inui started across tho track, totally to-tally unaware "f the lmpcndlnc danger, It WU loo late to slop tho car. |