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Show Invitations have been received In this city for the marriage of Miss Mary Edna Taylor of Halley. Ida., and Dr. John Franklin Critchlow of Salt Lake. The wedding will tako place May IT at 1 o'clock at tho Emanuel Episcopal church, Halley, Ida. After a trip to th( fair and Ban Francisco, Dr. Critchlow wdli bring hla bride to this city, where they will be at homo to their friends after Julv J at 410 South Seventh Enst street. Mrs J P Cobb was the hostess of a delightful de-lightful luncheon al ih Commercial club yesterday. The ladies dining-room was daintily decorated with pink carnations and maiden -hair fern Covers were laid lor Mrs. J T. Hubbell. Mrs. Purness, Mrs Grant Brown. Mrs Teaglse and Mrs. E H. Jacobs, Later In the afternoon the guests repaired to Mrs. Cobb's home. In the Milb r flats, where cards were en-Joyed en-Joyed for s few hours. e e e Miss Barnett anil Miss Jancy Barnett entertained delightfully at cards last evening. The affair was In honor of Mls; Jonas of Oakland. Cal . and Miss Baer of Denver. The parlors were very dainty Indeed, pink and white carnations helng u."d in profusion, with loin: trails of fsrn and smllax The game of "US" was en-Joyed en-Joyed by thirty guests. e . e The Misses Harriet and Stella Cohn entertained en-tertained on Tuesday evening at cards, the guests of honor being Miss Baer and Miss Jonas. The rooms were bright with many yellow daffodils and sprays of white and purple lilac In the game of "t3" prizes were won by MlBS Hattle Barnett. Bar-nett. Miss Emma Cohn and Mr. Sylvan Leon. Mrs. R O. Wilson, accompanied by her daughter, Queenle, left ysterday for New York. On her return she will visit hpr daughter. Mrs John B. King In Texas, and will spend' the summer at Catallna Island Dr and Mrs McEnery sail on Monday for London. Mrs. Thomas C. Bailey Is In Salt Lake for a short time superintending tho renovation reno-vation of the Bailey home on South Main street. Mrs. Bailey Is a guest at the home of Mi and " Mrs. Clarence Post Miss Edna Bailey, after a m..t delightful visit with friends In Chicago, has returned re-turned to New York. She is a pupil of lsadore Luckstone, the famous vocal coach. Miss Bailey will remain under his able tuition Indefinitely. Mrs F. L. Oswald and her daughter. Hazel, returned yesterday, after a delightful de-lightful three weeks' visit with Mr-Ablel Mr-Ablel Leonard of Los Angeles Mrs. Oswald Os-wald also visited Del Monte. I'atallna Island. Monterey and Pacific Grove, e e Bishop Franklin S Spalding entertained the visiting clergy at a delightful though informal luncheon yesterday at noon. Dr and Mrs Alfrel J Helton are in th? city for a few days on their way to Washington, where they will make their future home. Mrs J. F. Grant and Miss Florence Grant left yesterday for Mllford. Mrs F L. Oswald is entertaining Bishop FunSton of Idaho for a few days. After the Monday rehearsal of "Ruth." the oratorio to be' given at the Central i hrlsilan church tonight, the choir and soloists were tli- caiests of the Men s club, nt their i lub moms In the church, where a dainty supper was served Very delightful was the flve-o'clock given yesterday afternoon by Miss Btlngly at h'-r home In the Emery flats Mrs FonnlmoTO was one of the passengers passen-gers Into Beaver on the first train from Los Angeles, Mr A, E. Young has returned to his home In Wyoming after a visit of several dayi With his brother, Joseph Young, of First South str.'t Mrs. F. C. Richmond leaves early In June to spend the summer with friends In the East. Mrs. A. M Swartz and son. Walter Haguewood, will leave tonight for Catallna Cata-llna Island, where they will spend the greater part of the summer. John T. Donnellan arrived yesterday from Pacific Grove. Cal. Mrs. Donnellan and Miss Marguerite Donnellan have returned re-turned to Pacific Grove, after a delightful delight-ful visit In San Francisco. e - e Royal W. Cutler of Salt Take nnd Clara c Oroburg of West Jordan were married at 3 O'clock yesterday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Annie s. Cutler mother of th hrld. gr n .Indue Ritchie officiating Immediately after the cercmonj a wedding wed-ding breakfast was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrc Cutler left for a short honeymoon In tne souin. tee Mrs Samuel C Adams of Denver has been the guest at th McMillan home for the past few months, leaves for the coast In a few days. Miss Preston md Miss Laura Preston were the hostesses of a delightful Kcn-si.u-ton "ii Monday afternoon. In honor of Mrs Christopher B Dlehl. Rev. and Mrc. Charles E. Perkins have as their guests this week Very Rev. Dean Edwin B. HinkS of Boise, Ida., and Rev and Mrs. E. Ruff In Jones of Pocatello. Mrs. T C Brunnsr Of Omaha Is the truest of lvr brother Harrington Read of 52 Eighth East street Mrs. B. F. Radian entertained at lunch yesterday In honor of Mrs. Brunner of Omaha. ... MlSI Charlotte Druehl of Chicago Is visiting Mr and Mrs C. P. Druehl for a few weeks. |