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Show H TEA I Safe tea is moneyback, Safe tea is moneyback. Safe tea is moneyback. j Safe tea is moneyback. SALT LAKE TURF EXCHANGE 208 MAIN ST. California and Eastern races. Direct wire for all sporting events. Dandruff b. a contaslous dlente caueed by a mlrrub I NEWBRO'S HERPieil The ORIGINAL remedy that kllla the Dandruff Oria." LIKE THE PARDON utun SLLVm M v. yrr ,., HernlclJe can oome too late. If al srowth aaln. rx,n.t JJSM l rVand "t? microbe ha- destroyed the r.r falling hair Wondern.H h r follicles and loft tho ralp bald and 'h, ..1. of Herpt-M, It i,M fining a l r,n,lli. are worthless But hair drying. Stops i,1' like the pardon. If Herplcldc come. T.hlle Inetantl. S C3rOIMG-l J H Herplcld Will Tooj DP.rC, 8TORFS 11.00 SEND lc 8TAMP8. To UKRPI'.i OR CO. DE?pli TROIT. MI I 'll . FOR A 3AMP1-K. I APPLICATIONS AT PROMINENT HARBKP KHOP8L S fHAMILTOM I SMART SHOPi I "THE HOUlJXB!J I FINE TAILORED SUITsl I LINEN SUITS and MULLGOWI I CLOTH AND SILK COAT! X EMBRACES ALL THE CORRECT STYLES. These M Jf PERB EXAMPLES OF HIGH CLASS iARMENT8,nB jjt for botb street and EVENING WEAR, ami represent tlH V ACME OF ELEGANT REFINEMENT. I V DRESS ACCESSORIES. V All the late models in lirii'n and silk bolts, girdle, H O and cuff sots and neckwear JEST RECEIVED. O We direct SPECIAL ATTENTION to our Smart1 h Covert Coats and Traveling CJ V The MERE MENTION of our SUITS AND CO.M y ecoiigli for the smart trade. O New Paris Blouses and Stock! V Among the M ANY ADVANTAGES E NJ(.) ED BXM V BUYERS is the fact that they can obtain all new, itifl 0 poods in our shop at REASONABLE PRICES for thiscfl 1 Our Fetching Polo Hat 1 O And nil the NEW FRENCH SAILORS are the REST-jJ O ING II TS seen in town. NEW MODELS EYEKY WlM X 2) 6 S OflTfl'fl285 xoooooooooooooxo California excursioI SOUTHERN PACIFJ May 2, 3, 4, 10,11,12,13,1 San Francisco and return, direct 2 Los Angeles and return, direct or diverse route JIS San, Francisco and return, one way via Portland 1I I Los Angeles and return, one way via Portland "Bj 90-DAY LIMIT. STOPOVEKS. I For further particulars call on or address ( i : D. R. GEAY, General AgJ 201 Main Street. Salt LakCj 1 |