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Show DELINQUENT NOTICE. Victoria Gold Mining company, principal princi-pal place of business Salt Lake City, T tah Notice. There are delinquent upon th following described st..ck on account of assessment No I h-vled January 30, ISO."., the several amounts set oposlte the names of tho leepectlve- shareholders, as No Cerl Name. Shares. Amt 33 Mrs. J S. Watts 20,0X1 $100 00 35 Mrs J. S Watts 20.000 100. 00 bsH SC Mrs. J. S. Watts 10.000 50.00 iH 64 Mra J S Watts 5.000 26 00 bbsI 66 Mrs J S. Watts 5.000 25.0) BBssi ff.-Mrs. J S Watts 1.000 5 00 67 Mrs J. S Watts 1.000 5 00 BBssl Ds Mrs J S. A'ntts 1.000 6 00 BBssl 59 Mrs J S Watts l.OOO 6.00 BBBBI 123 Mrs J S. Watts 500 2.50 bBLI 124 Mrs J S. Watts 100 .60 LbBsI 126 Mra. J 9 Watts 100 50 bbssI Ut Mrs. J S Watts 100 . 50 bbssI 127 -Mrs J S 'atts 100 .50 BBssl 128 Mrs. J s. Watts 100 .50 bbLI V-'- Mm .1 s, ,-.tis 22 d7 1!3 OS 99-Mrs G A Land 1,000 5.00 BBssl 121 J B. Buzzo 1.000 5.00 bbLI 120 P. S. Truman 600 2.6Q iH 18 D 8. Truman 1,000 6.00 IH 19 D S Truman 1.000 6.l iH 20 D. S Truman 1.000 5.00 iH 22 D S. Truman 1,000 6.00 bsLH 241). B. Trumun 1.000 5. Oil H 11 D. S Truman 150 .75 bsBH K Mrs w. B Ijnd 15.000 75.00 (.6 George Allison 1 5 hi iI 94 George Allison 1.200 6.00 BakH 90 George Allison 1.0. 5.00 bbsH 69-Gcorge Allison 500 2 '0 H ,-,(.. r.-.' Allison ,. 500 2 SO bBI 110 George Rowland 7.2CO 86.00 42xioorge lowland ... 10.000 bO.r And. In accordance with law and the order of tho board of directors, made on I the 30th .day of January. 1905, so many Shares of seen parcel of such stork ns I may bo necessary will be sold at rooms j 13 end 14, Mercantile block. Salt Lake City, I Utah, on the .'5th day of April. 1905, If at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, to pa tho delinquent assessment t her.s,-,.-.. together ' with tho costs of advertising and expenso Of sale MRS. R S ROBERTSON, Secretary. j! , By order of the board of directors at a I m.'. tlng held Apr II 22, I9u.'. at the com- i pai yfs office, the delinquent snio of stock I . , ou this company's assessment, No. 1, was H po tponed until tho loth day of May, A. , ' f" L 1906, same place and hour. I , MRS. R S. KOiiELRTSON. Secretary. WM |