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Show I!1 j ' WkZ I sha11 inaugurate ONE OF THE GREATEST CLEARING SAL I :. ;f S ' "Mm SALT LAKE SHOPPERS HAVE KNOWN. For real genu1 bargains, nothing heretofore offered can equal this sale. We have made ourfM' ' rll V profits earlier in the season and are now ready to make a great sacrifice not alra I If ' f Profits but of the orginal cost of goods. August is the logical month foM HiiLT 2$ l v) genuine clearance sale. We must dispose of all summer goods in order to rmjljf - C30 tPMm Wyy " ' - room for fall and winter stocks soon to arrive. IT WILL SERVE YOUR BESS ! W INTERESTS TO COME AND SEE WHAT IS READY FOR Ypm j " tSS ; ' I NO APPROVALS OR EXCHANGES I Yaated Experienced Salesladies for This Sale. lpplS j i-' . DDRING THIS SALE Betweea 8 and 9 O'clock Monday Morning. p I ! A Clean Sweep of Every Hat in the Department The Prices I Will Accomplish It. : CHILDREN'S HATS, value A large line of LADIES' TRIMMED LADIES' READY TO WEAR HATS ( ; 51-U0' Ior or HATS, values up to values up to SLG0, r-r ' CHILDREN'S HATS, value $2.50, for )Oy for DyY U.50, for , 73r I H A largo assortment of CHILDREN'S A biff assortment of LADIES' TRIM- L,AD,IES' READY TO WEAR HATS, , 1 stg,.$i.33 SK:-!ji.p8 ;re?..:? 08? A good assortment of CHILDREN'S T at-ktt-.c. t-.t-, . -r- m I SUN NBS&oBr0..... 10(2? FLOWRS--Valuesupto?1.00. i 3 MISSES' AND LADITq' otiv -nnvr' A ln,'S0 assortment of FLOWERS s x- BONNETS, strft "oMiV1M 25 Cts ; b ' lth ruffle, value 25c; special lOj SWEEP, your choice lO I! dJXnTS th tim t0 Dres9es fortho children. They are marked way i I Dresses worth, up to 50c . , ' r 19$ I Q Dresses -worth up to 75o , or : ... 29 I M Dresses -worth up to SI. 50 j S for 190 I I i7rp.:?:50.... 99ef ( If Dresses worth' up to S3.50 rf 1 1 Is' for $1.29 or3!! r.r.th ......... $1.59 IbMSL ml'uctlonr63 h,ch rkd to sell above $4.50 will be I; Many Children's Coats i AT MUCH LESS THAN HALF. S cashmere,. Jnpwicao silks, clc n the Slier size? Xot iniC&k'"qU0' rtsflod assortment of both loos and short coat tw iwii m wiU And hero al 8 month to 12 years old. ' " wl" flt ons' cnll1 frm onol II Now Comes the Final Cleanup On All SKIRTS jj Every skirt Is priced so that It will tell quickly, j One L0t of Wash $hitt8j Q j Values up to $1.75, g0 for yQC Jr 1 th. time to buy a at'K Sfc ,ctual CLEAN SWEEP PRICES ON I HANDKERCHIEFS. H - I M,S30S' colored bordor handk0rchlof9. nne quail'cambric'' x r S value. cc; special 6, forC ftS,?;,MB Cambrlc handkerchiefs, valui H Ladles' plain white cambric or i.nen hanikiVeVi "value""0c r 5 ' G each; special ' u,ue -uc 2 for 1 j for 50 I All Summer Weight Suits ALMOST GIVEN AWAVe EVERY ONE THIS SEASON'S NEWEST STYLES Suits at $5.98; Worth to $57.50 Suits at 7.98; Worth to 20.00 Suits at 9.98; Worth to 25.00 Suits at 10.98; Worth to 27.50 Suits at 13.98; Worth to 35.00 Misses' Suits at $q.Q8; Worth to $10.00 Every higher priced light weight suit in the store at much less thou HALE PRICE. All Silk and Cotton Shirt Waist Suits will be sold at prices that are almost al-most ridiculous. What Economical Woman Will Miss This Chance? Clean Sweep Prices Clean Sweep Prices Clean Sweep Prices 0N -ON ON HOSIERY UNDERWE'R CORSETS Ladles' fast black seamless cotton hose, Ladles' Swiss rlhhMi vAoto intr- r,i, t , ... . value 15c- J2 , , nooeu vests, low neck Ladies' ventilated summer corsets, special 10 and sleeveless lace trimmed .- white only, medium lengthy, irk PCClU T and taped, value 26c; special SY value 35c; special . .......... 19t Ladles' fast black cotton hose, plain or t oti .. , , lace value 0c A fancy ribbed vests, Sllkolene t h , , t . ... , special ? ' 10 P,nk. white and blue, low neck and L?dIi8t,T or flp girdles., fine qual- p or sleeveless, value 35c; IJt Jt ,ty batlste' white, pink or -- Ladies' best quality Lisle hose, Herms- special 20(? blue, value oOc, special OUT dorf fast black, value GOc; mti " special jUf Ladles' fine French lisle vests, low Ladles line quality batiste corsets, Ti,nrf tt . . a , neck and sleeveless, silk tape finish gored and lace trimmed, dip hip and H SnnLFr'en,ChTi,Sle h09e' doubLe value 75c; tape unish. b . i soles, French foot. Herms- . special AH 0 special. . . . . . 42r dorf dye, value 75c; special.. 43 Y rJr apecmi ; Child's fast black cotton hose, double L'idIflj1h,te ,cot,?n rnesh pants, lace Ladles C. B. a la Splrite corsets, fine knees, value lGc; Q.I A dimmed, umbrella style, .rf quality batiste, girdles or medium special 3r Value ,5c; spec,al 47 Y lengths, white, pink or blue, Atf Child's fast black cotton hose, 2x2 rib- Children's fine quality Swiss rlbhofl value $1.00; special VY bed, double knee and soles, ,s rf vests, low neck and sleeveless- sires r . , , . value 20c; special 13LJr 4, 5. C, 7, and S value 1 Ladles' C. B. a- la Splrite corsets, best Child's fast black cotton hose, 11 or 30c; special . Qp quality batiste, gored, short lengths. 2x2 rib, extra heavy quality, ' J T lace and ribbon trimmed, white only, value 35c; special 24 Children's fine quality Swiss ribbed JSal $1.60 Misses fine quality lace hose, fast est3v hlh neck and long sleeves; BVLLmi black vnluo r u sizes 5 and 6, value l special I22 40c: BneclaI 29 LndIes' C B- a la Sp,r,te comets, made I ATP nt sfylf 'NANTS P LACB Wm"- DCITC AB0UT IMPORTED FRENCH JUAtCO At About Half Price. mhid :0E,LMATEST s special V Mail Orders Carefully and Promptly Pled, f: SHIRT WAISTf ! FINAL GREAT CLEARANCE SALE Of JP ALL SHIRT WAISTS. m Lawn and cotton ettamlne waists that are worth up 'f to Si. 50, for A large number of lawn wajsts, values up to JfP $3.50. for Btf37 ATiother lot of elegant summer waists, which Includes every waist IBSC that was marked from 3.50 to 5C 00, for JH3 BARGAINS IN SILK WAISllf That You Can't Afford to Miss. K& One lot of Silk Waists, values up to ?5.00. tHirw Your choice KSh One lot of Silk Waists, values up to SS.OO. tBkk Clean Sweep price BJh ENTIRE LINE OF FINER SILK AND LACE "WAISTS AT AtB HALF OF MANUFACTURER'S COST PRICE. iB&ft Pressing Sacques. I Muslin Usderwp We have cut the prices on this class GoWIlS. im3, of goods very deeply. ' IMLwu ,. ,, , 75c muslin gowns, embroidered 'fffEL Sacques worth up to hemstitched, for &t soc for ovr mLr $1.00 Ladles muslin gowns. Mzj, Sacques worth up to frrf trimmed, 2 different styles, Bl?' ?L35 for 09 f0r BsiSse Sacques worth up to Q?1 ru'.a. mffit $1.75 for 8Pr Chemise, Sfft Sacques worth up to tf;r , '10c chemise, of good muslto, $2.50 for , 4I.ip trimmed with ruflle for .Vdi Sacques worth up to (fc, 50c Chemise, embroidery trim- Xj $0.00 for Pl.99 med neck sieves for.... Mrrj WTMmmmmmm 65c chemise in throe styles, ''Bl " embroidery trimmed jKblfT WrapOerS. I Drawer mi w Made of cambric, lace trim- .Cjtft J med, worth C5c, for E' v.- .. . $1.25 drawers made of camWJw'J S5c fiol 4J0 Jnd embroidery trSm,ned' Wrappers worth up to r,-,rf Drawers mado of good qualwBit: $1.00 for.. , 57r brie, trimmed with erabroidjK ., lace insertion, worth Tj. rappers worth up to g j 51.50i for n I Drawers mado of fine nainsodjWjri Wrappers worth up to -.sf- Jlld with wide embroidery, 51.50 77 T worth $L75, for TrS .l1..1:?..'.0. $1.27 " Corset Covers. Every other higher priced wr-m Corset covers made of good WQiB per in the nouso goes t? P and embroidery trhnmed, for JJI.GI; different styles, value oOc, M&h OJ for - jKK " -- Covorg mace 0f fine nalniSPfea jr -m-T-o laco yokes, value r Long Kunooas. ror Skirts. R ! Made of muslin with embrold- Bj1 Long klmonas that are worth : crcd i uflle- value 75c i0T"" up to $1.50 for 49 Good muslin skirt. hemsUlfH Long klmonas that are worth C. ro,idery trlmme(1' . Bf up to $2.25, for $1.0 Q 51-00' for SHiS . CJUBA1N SWEEP RRIOESy Ladioc': sfpneciar,?1!!y Unl gl0VCe' Sre"' black and tan' ValU weclal..f.'05' SOOd nualVtye' 5 r"tackfirnU.qvar WS lM"t1 ms LaU50ec; L5ccIa,iC.0:?.,iy Wack r whIle. elb& value ? i i " . "3 H |