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Show BINGHAM JUNCTION, July 28. Please answer In next Sunday's Tribune: Tri-bune: When does the mourning dove seasoji open? Hunter. August 15th. c SALT LAKE. July 2-1. Will you kindly kind-ly give the population of the following Utah townK according to the last census? cen-sus? Spring City. Manti, ML Pleasant, Ephralm City, Nephl, Falrvicw, Mono. Lava n. Pleasant Grove, Spanish Fork, American Fork, Payson, Lake Shore, Benjamin, Salem, Hcber City. Bingham Bing-ham Canyon and Rich Held. A Constant Reader. ' j Spring City, 1125; Manti. 2106; Ml. I Pleasant. 2372; Ephralm. 20SG; Nephi, i 220Sr Falrvicw. 1119; Mona. -160; Levan. Cl-i; Pleasant Grove. 2460; Spanish Fork, j 2735; American Fork, 2732; Payson, 2I53G; Lake Shore, 582; Benjamin, 661; Salem, S94; Heber. 1534; Bingham, 1872; Richfield. Rich-field. 1963. MALAD CITY. Ida., July 23. Would you please answer the following question ques-tion in Sunday's Tribune? A bet B that his horse would take second money in a race, five horses running. A's horse-came horse-came out first. Who won the money? Subscriber. A wins; tho true meaning was second sec-ond or better. MORGAN. Utah. July 23. Will you please answer the following question in your next Issue of The Tribune: I have a valuable mining claim situated on Railroad land. Can I bold it against the railroad company? C. H H. You might, provided the railway company com-pany has not patented the land. You had better consult a lawyer stating' t him your exact case. SALEM, -July 21. Please answer in your paper the following questions: (1) Have they commenced work on the Minidoka canal yet In Idaho? (2) Is it a Government job or the State doing It? (3) Is there any other canal being worked on now in Idaho? A Subscriber. Subscrib-er. (1) No. (2) The Government. (3) Yes; the Twin Falls and probably others, not bv the Government, however. a PROVO, Utah, 'July 15. To settle a bet. will you kindly give the theoretical horse-power of both the engine and 'boiler of the largest locomotive on the Denver & Rio Grande railroad? T. F. P. About 1600. BINGHAM CANYON. July 28. To decide a bet. will you kindly tell ub In your Questions and Answers which iu the highest mountain In Utah and where Is it located? E. H. D. Wc are not deciding bets: but tho highest peak in Utah, according to our best information, la Gray's peak in the Uintah range, something over 13,000 feet. SALT LAKE CITY, July 30. T meet Democrats who insist that their party i on a silver basis. What is the fact? The fact is that the Democratic convention con-vention accepted Judge Parker's statement state-ment that the gold standard is fully established. There is not One word about siher in the Democratic platform. Bryan protested against this attitude by the convention, but In vain. There is no silver in Democratic politics this year. If any one says there Is, ask him to slioV it, WOODSIDE. Utah. July 29. Kindly, through your Question and Answer department de-partment next Sunday, say If In traveling travel-ing around the world, from cast to west or from west to east one day is really lost. If a day is lest is it at the International dale line, or where? If a day, Is technically lost what provision Is made? I thank you In advance, etc. A. W. A day Is lost if you go around the world from east to west; but a day is gained in going around the world from west to cast; the change is made at the international date line, and that is all the provision that Is made. u SHOSHONE, Nev July 24. Will you kindly answer the following In your Questions and 'AnswerB department: I have a ledge twenty-eight inches wide which samples as follows: Twelve inches assays 100 ounces per ton, twelve inches assuys 200 ounces, and four Inches assays 600 ounces, all sliver. I sink a 4x6 shaft exactly ten feci, the values remaining exactly the same; all tho ore is extracted, thoroughly mixed and piled on the dump; allowing 170 pounds per cubic foot of ore In place, how much ore have I on the dump, and what Is the value per ton. silver being quoted at 5S cents per ounce? Also, where can J obtain Information regarding regard-ing the valuo of tungsten ores and a market for name? Also of uranium ores? J. M. F. Answer: Assuming that all the rock, ns well as the mineral, was removed from the hole there would bp at the surface sur-face 20-4 tons of ore containing 2550 ounces silver, or 125 ounces silver per ton. On a market at 6R cents an ounce the ore, accordingly, possesses a valua- j lion of $72.50 per ton. The exhibit in detail follows: 60 cubic feet multiplied by 170 pounds equals 10.200 pounds, containing 100 ounces per ton 510 ounces. 60 cubic feet multiplied by 170 pounds equals 10.2fi0 pounds, containing 20U ounces per ton 1020 ounces. 20 cubic feet multiplied by 170 pounds equals 3100 pounds, containing GOO ounces per ton lOiO 'ounces. 1(0 cubic foot multiplied by 170 pounds equals 17,000 pounds. iMfl cubic feet multiplied -by 170 pounds equals 40,800 pounds, containing 2550 ounces. Twenty and four-tenths tonB on dump contains 2550 ounces." Two thousand five hundred and fifty , ounces divided by 20.1 tons equals 123 ounces multiplied by 5S cents, value of silver per ounce, equals $72.50 per ton. There Is no market quotation here or In New York on tungsten; try tho Colorado Colo-rado Fuel and Iron compuny, Pueblo. Uranium, oxide, Is quoted in New York al $2.253.00 a pound. |