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Show DESCRIPTION OF ABOVE H HATS AND FROCKS, H A FLOWER TRIMMED FLAT I Tho chip hata aro In especially goo3 H stylo this'season, and almost Invariably R show a band of reliovlng color around H the edge. The pretty design in the pic- Bt turo shows a navy bluo chip straw with P an edgo of tho champagno shade. A gar- Hi nlturo of rarjged callora with the flow- HI era massed at either side, and tho fo- HI1 llage with Its long, lance-shaped leaven Hi occupying tho front and falling over Hi tho brim ln tho back. A full and puffy H 1 chou of pale bluo and white satin rib- jX I bona Intermingled la posed at tho back. 1 1 straps passing to tho sides and catch- 13 1 lng under tho brim. A velvet-covered Iff bandeau Is placed ln tho headpleco to agHi lift tho shape off tho faco ln front. tjV WITH POPPIES-AND BUDS II Somewhat fantastic. Is this shapo of In black crlnolino straw, bent Into odd HI curves and angles, with its facing of lw tucked and shirred chiffon. Its hugo , l&jJ bunch of flaming scarlet popploa and 17 if long trails of poppy buds hanging far Iflre down tho back. Tho crown Is low an'd gLgif spreading, and all tho trimming Is ffi2jt massed at tho left side. Just over tho iSSIr left temple, where tho flopping brim Is . 3 J caught up abruptly, a little knot of scar- Zjjt let velvet ribbon matching tho popples S3 1 ls tucked ln against the hair. Tho othor fBjj trimming ls ln broad, black satin-back- Ejil cd velvet ribbon, massed loops and long ml ends falling to tho shoulders In tho Warn back. For tho child that can carry It - Kh a stunning effect ls sure. , Kjl ON THE RUSSIAN BLOUSE 0R ffl DER H The unbleached Russian linen crashes Sjl nro In very high favor theso summer jwlll days for tho llttlo folks' frocks, and ln ifjji tho soft ecru tone3 thoy combine beau- Ijji tlfully with white trimmings, this re- 1 9 versing the new order of ecru trim- vtjfi mings upon white. In tho Russian gffjU blouse frock pictured there ls a -llttlo flAPf shawl effect over the shoulders in an Wm nllovor embroidery of white, edged with M the unbleached crash, and the samo BjlHj mode of treatment is employed for cuff. mm and belt. Down tho center front and Ijjl back a broad double box pleat furnishes muR fullness for tho skirt, this being stitched to tho waist ln each Instance. The bolt Hnfl ls passed loosely around the hips, and yam tho fastening Is effected Invisibly bo- Wg neath tho pleat, IBS THE NEW ETON BLOUSE ' Tho purlnJno flannel is especially BUlt- Iff1!! able for tho Eton blouso frocks that aro fff j such a comfort to the email girl upon ftU W tho cool days that always como alons m ? ln summertime. In a mixed gray having n a blurred stripe tho blouso ls fashioned vjnjj with the long shoulder ueam, and tho M ( regulation ohlrt-sleeve, with cuff. Tho lu blouse Is double-breasted, fastening with jgni fancy buttons, and the linen Eton collar. Uj fastens to tho neckband ln tho usual Kit maficullno way. Tho slrirt is simply M ii shirred to tho band and finished with a n jf stitched hem. Tho llttlo woman who is SU dainty about her clothes will apprcclato fkm tho prescueo of a dress-shield ln her 4M I! flannel blouses, for tho running and b5 K Jumping soon bring on a glow of porapl- ration that ls apt to lcavo its mark on Bfijl tho clothing. A brilliant scarlet bow Is flnj tlod in front, and lends a pretty touch WMre of color to tho gray gown. rtfiig NOVEL WRAP IN LINEN jf! Cut upon tho lines of a very full cape, nflM thero ls a hint of a nleevo very cloverly MM managed. That portion which covers Hffl tho shoulder and arm is cut longer than Km the rest, seamed for a short dlstanco jJJf, and decorated with a turnover band of ugh: embroidery. An cmpieccmont of tho Jmn linen appoara over tho ohoulders, and rim tho little turnover collar and tho strap mm that runs down the front aro of tho vmei samo embroidery that decorates the liw suggestion of a sleeve. The aacompa- lUJIIj nylng skirt ls gored, with a box pleat ln JJJffB each goro, and simply finished with a imim braid-bound hum. ifflffl GUIMPE AND BERTHA DRESS Mcrcorizfxl mull ln Parslan design OS ill fashions tills smartly slmplo llttlo froclc On In HI Tho fronts' and back aro tuoked length- hxkHI wise, the bucks released to form a slight it Mi HI puff ln frpnt. Across tho shouldcro a HijlRl bertha ln llandkerchlef design ls applied Mu'Rl with a II two valcnclcnncs beading, and BKm H .tho samo Hco forms insertion and edgo. CiwHI The handljerchlcf design ls repeated In SiSaiHl the sleovo frill, and tho flounco. which fl-Hj Js applied, beneath a beading, ls deco- KffTiHl rated ln the same stylo. Shiny black Pwl;Rl patent kll; shoes strapped across tho ?tJMlHl front rnakO a dainty finish to this sum- i'3ilHl mer tollottg, tho whlto stocking appear- IliliHl ing to udvuntago between the lattlco oi Jdfel H black strajja. (toll Jhh |