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Show RUPTURE NOW COMPLETE. Franco and the Vatican Havo Severed All Relations. PARIS, July 30. Although no official announcement has yet been made. It can be positively alllrmed that the rupture between France and the Vatican is complete. com-plete. The Holy Sce'n lengthy reply to the French note, though most courteously worded, merely amounts to a polite statement that the Pope does not Intend to Infringe the stipulations of the concordat, con-cordat, and will not withdraw the lat-ter's lat-ter's order calling the Bl3hops of Dijon and Laval to Rome. Diplomatic courtesy forbids, the publication publi-cation of the French answer until the Pope Is notified, but Foreign Minister Delcasse last night sent M. Decourcet, the French Charge d'Affaires at the Vatican, two notes. One for the papal Secretary of State, announcing the rupture, rup-ture, and the second a personal noto Instructing In-structing the Charge d'Affaires, and tho others of the staff of the embassy, to return re-turn to Paris Immediately ' after this mission Is accomplished, which probably prob-ably will be this morning. When M. Decourcet's advices reach Foreign Minister Min-ister Delcasse the latter will Immediately Immediate-ly request the papal nuncio to leave France. It Is not expected the rupture will have any immediate consequences beyond be-yond the mutual withdrawal of the representative rep-resentative of France and the Vatican, and the suppression of the embassy and nunciature, as the denunciation of the concordat requires preliminary sanction. Consequently, fresh developments are Improbable until the appointment of the new bishops come up. Well Informed persons do not believe that the Vatican will retaliate by withdrawing with-drawing France's protectorate over the Eastern Catholics |