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Show "THE OLD SCRATCH." How tho Evil One Camo to Be Popu larly Known as "Tho Old Scratch." Ono of the many familiar names of his eatanlc majesty Is "Tho Old Scratch." It is undoubtedly duo to th? fact that scratching is so disagreeable that peoplo thought It no woroo than the evil one. A ccalp full of dandruff keeps one scratching scratch-ing all tho time; not only disagreeable but conBidored very inolcgant In polite society aa it should be bocauao one-ought one-ought to keep the Bcalp bo clean that It would not Itch. To euro the scalp of dandruff dan-druff effectively, use Ncwbro's Herplclde. lt kllla the germ that creates the dandruff, dan-druff, which Is preliminary to falling hair, and. finally, baldness. No other hair preparation pre-paration kills tho dandruff germ. Herpl-cido Herpl-cido also is a very delightful and ofteo-tive ofteo-tive hair-dressing. Sold by leading drug-rJouj. drug-rJouj. Sond 10c. In stamps for samplo la Tho Herplcido Co., Detroit, Mich. nmuTc CATARRH F STOMACH "J ' A Beautiful Michigan BeJie Cured of Catarrh ofW Stomach by Peruna. W Miss Louise Matt, Battle Creek, Mich., writes: W "I can only say whnt others havo said before me, jtC. y-n. that Peruna is a most wonderful medicine for ca- f ZZyv' 'Votv ----wH jtarrhal and stomach troubles. tVaV 1 ' " ' ?' W(0lH "I suffered so long with indigestion and dyspepsia, if (0m ' ;.$$'f-- fcvWvH and. tried so many things to cure me, without relief, ffl,fttr ;' f. that I made up my mind that my case was hopeless. One .:; ;,'; . , v5B of my friends advised me to try Peruna for a mouth, Wy ' ! ' ' ' . assuring me that I could not fail toflnd from its use Hv-w ' " ' V&kGMjB ?ome relief and possibly a cure. So I took new couv- II ''JSS 't''wfflm pgo and bought a bottle of Peruna, dotevmined to givo W HJWBS! 'it'i'VwU it a thorough trial, which I did. In just sis weeks I fy 33li, 'if' 't'ttnm. ' I was entirely rid of my stomach trouble, and bless the N s ' , MffiySlayli' fljffl'jM day when Peruna was brought to my notice." fj ''; ffiSfaOT- VISSMi' MlttmMlw& (. S CatStomnchtbe f HADE STEGSV5 Very Quickly I,,. . i Destroys Beauty. Miss Dade Stegeman. superintendent of the Chicago North Sldf Woman's club of Chicago, in a recent letter to Dr. Hartman, speaks of Peruna as follows: fol-lows: Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.: Gentlemen: "Peruna has often been used by the members of our club in cases of stomach trouble and general debility also recently in cases of la grippe, and always with the most beneficial results. I think a great deal of Peruna often recommend it to my friends, and am glad to say all who htivo tried it speak a good word for it." Dade Stegeman. Mrs. Jessie Colton. 439 East 19th St.. New York City, writes- "Through overwork and' anxiety in my business I was very much run down; had loss qf appetite, and. what was worse than that, loss of sleep at night. I was afraid I would have to consult a physician, when one of my customers advised me to try Peruna, as it had made her well and strong. I began to take it and In a few days bf-gan bf-gan to feel stronger, and from the first doee I slept at night, without awakening. awaken-ing. I took only two bottles, now I am well, but I am never without Peruna In the house. If any one wishes to call on me I will gladly advise them to take It, as I have received so much benefit from It. and want all who aro 111 to use It as I did." Mrs. Jessie Colton No medicine In the world has cured more cases of dyspepsia thaa nfi The reason for this Is that dytttS a great majority of cases deptrjM catarrh of the stomnch. Cit2H the stomach may have bn p.t9 an extension of the catarrh (r throat or head. It may be iniij9 late suppers, indigestible dltt)B eating, drinking ice water, tbtfl alcoholic stimulants and minyetj discretions. jl Peruna cures all such caig S pcpsla, simply because It cuniifl whorever located The reason fl cases of dyspepsia suffer oc (H without any relief. S trying this modi- Pe-ru-ci(M cine and that m cd I -. Catarrh Vnfl cine, is that those) IoctU conditions are not recognized as catarrh of the dfl Any one suffering from djiH having tried the ordinary rjfl without relief, would be safe to that their case io one of catarrljH stomach, and should at one tS course of Peruna. Peruna Is B cure these cases. It never fafjX Thousands of Pe-ru-na TesflU on Eile, S We have on file many thouuajfl monlals Hko the ones gives. jH only give our readers a slight of the vast array of unw!k:B dorsements we are rocelvitjB month. No other physlcan In S has received such a volume (M siastlc and grateful letters eiS as Dr Hartman for Peruna, 1 Fluid our usual Sunday 9 g advertisement In Mor- m i day moraisig; papers. $ . Important price-saving m j - n&ws. - - - S S mmm sdnday store hb N SS Tow know we sell the best doM I rV0' 1 St. J. P. GAKDtR The Quality Store. H |