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Show ''- A.-jkuuimlB9C WAS A SURPRK "Battling" MsM a Cow. p Chicago Youth New SK Trouble With CorbilB ' or Britt. X Rumor That Fitz Has Quit theH Is Probably Untrue EisKic f Gossip. BjS' By Henry F. Burmester, jfl&ttt By defeating Eddie Hanlon itjS Francisco last Friday night, "BityBI. Nelson, the whirlwind slugger foaBjif cago, has placed himself within ftiB, the top rung of the 120-pound cli'B' der. The Windy City boxer 'IKfT to the sporting fraternity thathtliB? of the toughest millers la thebjJRu and he can now very Justly demacjHa with Young Corbett or Jimmy Furthermore Nelson will be abls tojBLJ either of the aforementioned flwBfM tlsts a vigorous run for the gateaBw and even down In California itfc hundreds of fight followers wager their coin that the Cook fjHjftta boy will not take second money. lBMfii last two fights on the coast 'WBP won a name for himself anil madBW friends. When he hung It onByI Canole the San FranclHcaos fH?? their eye3 In surprise. Ana wla"8 handed it to the "Pride of CalltoR last Friday, even the native ni(W'wJ selves were forced to admit thitK worthy of the attention of either B' well or the mighty "Chames EdWBJf's When Nelson came to this cHr.Bj' Chicago a few monthyago hevuBl tlcally unknown. He had agoodrtWt tion In and around Chicago whereiirt fought many good tights, but ouiriHn the Windy City he was not reccriRtl In one of the fiercest mills tvti'Mfci H nessed here Nelson admlnlsterti sleep tablets to "Spider" "Welch. Kr1 the most promising of the CalltaB little fellows. A few weeks B sturdy little Chlcagoan knockMH Canole and lastly Eddie Hankm !M victim to his prowess. Nekoa J'H seeking to arrange a match "H Young Corbett or his connueroniM Is quite likely that he will be act3HB dated. taM B3b Dame Humor has It that "jBp has fought his last fight-Bj freckled one Is "all In" and re?;uj!K he would stand no show with rK the younger fighters In a bout oM length. Upon the heels of tn,iLllB comes one to the effect that i 'j offered to bet several tnoulHf that he can trim "Fashion plalK! O'Brien in a twenty-round go- H It Is hardly probable that thcCHE man has given up the game, 7B considerable left In the old """viH he plainly showed at Phllndep cently. Despite the fact """iH handicapped by Father Time ne gH go fast enough to worry any oi 'H dies Including O'Brien, McUM "Hot Air Tommy" Ryan. 'H An attempt is being made J?H the boxing game In Chicago. has secured a location oUtl city limits and has announced '"TdH ular monthly shows will be &nc?jH days of yore. -cH Biddy Bishop, one of JLflJB formers In the Hcrrera-Downer "TjH back In the fighting game, wcoi ported to have an "unkn0Vn.is tH son City, who he Is against Billy Woods, his -ran |