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Show VELVETEEN FULL SUITINGS Velveteen ln full suitings bids fair to bo tho most popular of all tho cheaper made-up street costume3 for tho early fall. Theso suits aro priced nover below J20, but oven a fair seamstress can make tho samo gown at homo for less than half this amount and without very rriuch labor. Tho velveteen ls Just as effective ns cotton velvet nnd will outlast Its rival by many months of constant and arduous wearing. The design selected for such a costumo should bo capable of displaying tho full rich folds. of the material over the hips and down the center of tho back. Tho Introduction of two cxtrn sldo pieces on either sldo of tho skirt will glvo this result. This will produce a hem about four yards around and create tho doslred full effect and tho broad folds shown In tho Paris and London models from which tho American manufacturer ls gottlng his Ideas. An effective trimming of this costume can bo obtained by sewing crossway bands of tho material Itself In slmplo but harmonious lines. If a moro elaborate elab-orate effect ia desired you can safely Insert broad bands of lace or silk passementerie. pas-sementerie. Tho bodlco should be cut so that the body part is all ln ono and then gathered on to tho now tuckcr-shapo tuckcr-shapo yoko foundation. Tho bodlco fastens fas-tens at the back, and In order to obtain a smooth lit to show the sheen of the velveteen two side pieces aro Introduced each sldo of thq lining, and on each sldo tho front plcco Is seamed up tho center to tho shoulder at Its middle point. Thero aro as a result nlno seams ln tho foundation, but tho material itself ls absolutely seamless nnd lies smooth nnd taut to tho lines of tho figure. Ruchcd chiffon of tho same color should bo used for tho top part of tho bodice, making tho section above tho bust lino produco tho extremely fashiorfablo effect of tho samo color scheme In two kinds of fabric, fab-ric, tho one lustcrlcss and tho other full of sheen and light |