Show BOOM NUMBER TWO Van Cot Has Now Been Slated for the AttorneyGeneralship The refusal of AValdemar Aan Colt to allow his gubernatorial boom tb be inflated has induced some of his friends in this city to propose thai he be nominated nom-inated for a leas exalted although Very Important Stale ofllce It Is sUggbslOd that one of the main reasons for Unit Colts refusal to permit the use of his name in connection with the nomination nomina-tion for Governor Is thai he does not think ft would be wise for him lo acCept ac-Cept the ofllcc of Governor at a salary of 2000 and sacrifice a law practice which is worth much more than that amount The new position which it is the pur pose to press Mr Aan Coll to accept is thai of AttorneyGeneral The peo plo who are back of the movement re tom to the fact that Mr Van Cott ac cepted the nomination for County At torney four years ago and that ho could not now gracefully refuse a higher nomination The dutIes of the office of Attorney Geuoral would not interfere seriously with the goneial practice of an attor ney and it Is thought Mr Van Colt would appreciate the honor of a nomi nation for thai ofllce Outside of the Governorship the AttorneyGeneralship Is regarded as the most important oillce of the Stale administration except the Supreme court fudges and In some piirllculars he is superior lo Ihem be cause his interpretation of the luw is generally nrcepted and followed by tjio Chief Executive and all the other olll ucrs of the State and county |