Show A LIVELY FIGHT It All Arose Over the Moving of c aBoard a-Board Partition Yesterday afternoon1a disagreement took place at the Oedon house which came near resulting fatally lo I ono of the participants parti-cipants Ono Klrnke has boon renting Iho I restaurantroom of tim Ogden house and yesterday concluded lo move oul After packing up his things he thought ho would tear down and take with him a board petition which ho had put up in tho room To this proceeding Mrs Lucas proprietress pro-prietress of the house objected but the objection seemed lo have no weight with Klenkc Then Mr Lucas appeared on tho scene which ended by tho arrest of Klenke who had throe severe hnlchct wounds on his head From the appearance of Mr Lucas on the scene of action I In stories of the par ticipants In the I disagreement disagree Klpsike says ln > had words with Lucas who lold him that he could not take down the partition Klenko ihen went behind the counter and picked up a handful of goods and accidentally also nicked up a revolver IIi laid the revolver In the showcase but when Lucas saw the revolver re-volver he went out of the hack door got a hatchet and returned A struggle llereo but short ensued during which Klepke was dealt three severe bluw on the bend with tho hntchet cutting tlu scalp and s < iidlnc a stream of blood all over him Just nt this Juncture Patrolman Farr came In and puilln jf Klenke under arrest took him to the statIon locked him up I Klenke also says that Mrs Lucas took the gun out of the showcase and drew It on him During the scrap Klenko asked Lu CIR why he was assaulting him and Lucas Lu-cas accused Klenko of having a gun but Klenke showed him the gun In the showcase show-case Mrs Lucas tells a somewhat different story which Is corroborated by Mr Lu eas Sho says that when Klenke went behind be-hind the counter ho picked un the t revolver revol-ver and leveled It at Lucas who retreated out of iho back door coming back with a hrtchet with which to defend himself Then the light occurred during which she called for the police It Is not thought Klenkes wounds are dangerous although a medical examination examina-tion had not been made up to G oclock Thorn may bo further developments today Klenke Is the man who was recently arrested ar-rested on a telegram from Chicago charg ing him with embezzlement Ownership Plats The ownership plats at tho County Recorders Re-corders rfflco arc n en ring completion and when finished will bo a moat valuable ad dlllon to the records of that olllce They are arranged on heavy book leaves a quarter section lo a page and In a mln ulos time the present ownership ° f ny liec < of property in tho county can ho found Tho work Is neatly done by Miss ICvolyn Hendershot under direction of Recorder llcndershot Brevities John Sparks is In from Nevada K II Jones of Kclton was In Ogden yesterday yes-terday J 13 Shepherd of Logan was In Ogden yesterday on business G E Farnsler of Salt Lake City was an Ogden visitor yesterday Theodore Sparks of the Mollnc Plough company Is In Ogden for a few days Justice 1 Hall yesterday dismissed lie chlckoasicallng case ngalnsl Lars Jensen Assistant Pullman Superintendent Sceso was in Salt Lithe City yesterday on business busi-ness Bishop AVoolloy who has been 111 a I tIm hospital In Salt Lake City for some days Is better and Is oxpecled home today 11 C AVnrdlelgh is lo bo the marshal of Iho day for Tho G A R services on Memorial day Tho full programme for the day has not yet beMi arranged Judge J S IJoroman left last night for southern Utah where he will speak for some lImo In the Interest of the Prohibi tion parts He will visit Sannetc Scvler I tab mid ollHr counties The new mall car on the I Southern Pa rule which carries mall direct from San lnuieUico to Ogden without tho stop over at Wlnnemucca Is greatly appreciated appre-ciated by Ogden merchants Tho ladles tilt society of the M E t htirch will meet this afternoon at the homo h of Mrs Randall on Twentyfifth street A conveyance will bo at Knolhs drug slori at flf p m lo lain time ladles to Mrs Randalls residence The suit by Iho North American Trust company to foreclose a 250000 mortgage on Iho lino of the Ogden Street railway Is i a friendly suit to quiet tlllo and Is a stop In the transfer of tho property lo 11 II Spencer and J P SmIth Rev and Mrs W E Wilkinson former ly paslorn of tim M E church here re turned yesterday from St George where they have been for the pritel eight months lor the benefit of Mr Wilkinsons health Thry leave today for Denver Marriage licenses were yesterday Issued as follows William P Vaughn of Lincoln Lin-coln Ulan to Miss Nelllo llanly of Og den Frcdrlok J 1 Kenley nnd Miss Augus ta K Kurnlss of Plain City Guslavus A Peterson and Miss Mulllda Anderson of lluulsvillo John llodson of Ogden and Miss Annetlle Sukelt of Brigham City |