Show CALENDAR FOB TERM CALENA I gvpremo Court Sets Twentythree Civil Cases Down for Argument I The Supreme court calendar for the I May term has twentysix cases for argument ar-gument on appeal three of criminal r and twentythree civil The criminal cases wero disposed of on Monday by the dismissal of the appeal in one that of the State vs JIoells and the other two the State vs Imlay and the State vs Morgan alias Majors were I c argued and taken under advisement The iivil cases on the calendar and 2 the datfs on which they are set for argument are as follows May 16th Whitmore vs Rio Grande Western Hallway company appellant Kitty A Hines appellant vs Russell A Hines Bet vs Peoples Building Loan lant and Savings association appel lantMay 16thPeoples Building Loan and Savings association appellant vs Krofgcr et al Drivel et ul v Salt Lake and Ogden Gas and Electric Light company appellants Edmonds vs Judge Johnson May 17th Centennial Eureka Mining Min-ing Company vs Juab county appellant appel-lant H J L Anderson vs Jonas Anderson Ander-son appellant Miller vs Livingston et al appellants May 8thIn ro estate of James T Little deceased Wright vs Union Pacific Pa-cific Railroad company appellant He ber M Wells appellantws Davis ct al May 21st Sllcock appellant vs Rio Grande Western Railway company Strickley et al vs III11 appellant ireland Ire-land executrix appellant vs Mackintosh Mackin-tosh May Stevenson appellant vs Siii11 Culmer ct al vs Calne ct al appellants ap-pellants Andrus appellant vs J3az zard et al May 1rdJ Gordon McPherson ap pfllant vs Edward McCarrlek Llp Tlncott Co appellants vs Rich et al ITaun administratrix appellant vL Rio Grande Western Railway company com-pany May 21lh Standard Steam Laundry appellant ve Dole Potter vs Ajax Mining company appellant |