Show HOT AT MORRIS PARK Intense Heat Prevented a Very Largo Attendance New York May 15Time heat was In tense nt Morris Park today and limo crowd was about the smallest of the meeting Results First race six and onehalf furlongs Vulcaln won Unmasked second Imp third Time 121 Second race seven furlongs selling First Whip won Brisk second Bun gor third Time 1 271 I Third race the Bay Chester mile Jldrlm won Contestor second Herbert third Time 110 Fourth nice Che New Rochelles handicap seven furlongs Survivor won Missionary second His Royal Highness third Time 12714 Fifth race four and onehalf furlongs Maiden won Cherries second God doss of Night third Time 54m1 sec OIUlH Sixth race six furlongs Firearm won General Mart Gary second Lady Uncag third Time 111A |