Show JUSTICE IS HANDICAPPED SO THINKS LICENSE INSPECTOR HALVORSEN I He Endeavored to Mako a Stock Broker Bro-ker Liable for n Pawnbrokers Fee but Fate Was Against Him Incense Inspector Hnlvoraen does not appear to have a bed of roses Like the I who collects the tax I man on canines 1 he is supposed to be very watchful of 1 1 the citys interest and see Unit no man who does business carries it on without with-out having first obtained a license therefor On several occasions when the wisdom of iIr Ilnlvorsen had led I I him to remark to certain men whom 1 ho had suspected of buying and selling without a license that they had better come to time ho has been told to hie himself to the land that Ingursoll was so positive did not exist This has I rasped Mr Halvorsens reelings and r at times he has complained that he was I not treated with the dignity that becomes r be-comes a watchdog of the city treasury Mr Halvorsens only method of revenge re-venge Is to bring the mean men into the Police Vourt But even In that halt TU justice where the goddess poses with outstretched wings and bandaged eyos he has fallen down t r Yesterday he swore to a complaint charging E F Stolzcnsbergcr with doing business as a pawnbroker This made tIme t defendant who Is a stock I bolel In the D P Walker building I I rather warm here the collar moots I so he hired Attorney Westervelt to de J I I fend him r I When Diehl announced that the prosecution l pros-ecution rested Westervelt smiled for I all that had been proven 1 ngalnst his client was that on one occasion he had loaned a friend a fmv dollars on a watch and at another time had taken In nome stock as ollaleral for mOht > y loaned but at no time had he held oti this t-his business to he l that of a pawn bioker Mr 1 i TIalvorsen did not like the way Dlihl prosecuted the I fase nnd leaned ovrr i several times nil insisted I that morn details should lx brought II out but in all this Diehl turned his left ear and at the conclusion said lie did not care to argue the case I Westervelt in his usual mmltst t manner man-ner hinted that it would be a good scheme to allow the defendant his llb I i erty to which the Judge assented j Later llalvorsun was trying to convince I con-vince a friend that there was not the least show for Justice on this sublunary sublu-nary sphere |