Show Railroad Notes Paymaster Shrlmpton of the Short Line is paying oft in person these days The diner Utah went though on No 2 yesterday fresh In the new dre soC s-oC dark brown Raymond DuPuy who recently left the Lackawanna will be made general manager of tho Joe Island The Boise Chamber of Commerce has been given more time In which to raise the bonus for the Idaho Midland The Denver Times is authority for the statement that the Burlington has bought the Joe Island and the Kansas Kan-sas City Omaha roads Carl Nllsson for the past ten years station baggage agent at Pocatello has left for Cape Nome and A 11 Burgher has been appblnted to succeed him Assistant General Freight Agent G S Weitzpll of Chicago and General Agent James Culton of Denver both of th Illinois Central were In the city Monday The Oregon Short Line has furnished tho Southern Pacific with seventy stock cars to assist In the movement of some heavy cattle shipments from Nevada H E Van Housen assistant superintendent super-intendent of the Wyoming division of the Union Pacific Is visiting1 friends at Pocatollo and looking Into his considerable consid-erable private Interests In Idaho The two Rio Grande Western engines being built by the Schenectady works will be switchers of the latest type for the Salt Lake yards The eight Rich mOl s will be along In the course of the next two weeks W A Wetmore assistant general Hales agent of the Colorado Fuel andIron and-Iron company at Denver Is In the city being greeted by old friends Sail I Lake Is always his favorite town as he lived here raorie lcd many years Straight slacks with the short front end extensions arc to be placed on all Oregon Short Line engines assigned to passenger train service and i will he but a short time before the entire power pow-er of the rood IB so equipped |