Show FORT DOUGLAS VIEW Statement of Lieut White Relative to the Shooting Lieut White at Fort Douglas ycfltcr diyln speaking of the part that the soldiers were said to have taken In he shooting Monday night anti Tuesday morning said As to the first shooting we do not I know ofllclally that apy of the soldiers at the fort were thorp None of thorn have violated any military rules as they were nI present at the 11 oclock check rollcall If however a warrant should be issued for any of them by the j I civil authorities I presume that the sergeantmajor would as a matter of courtesy deliver I them to the proper of llcers As to the second shooting I am absolutely ab-solutely sure that the three horsemen who did It were not from the fort for immediately after the police called up the fort about 2 oclock bleat McCul lotigh and I made thorough search and we found that every man was In the barracks but one All the horses were In the stable which was locked as Is the custom always Then the saddles bridles harness and the pistols were all I In their places and were also locked up rIte men were all here at 11 oclock having come home soon after the shoot lug occurred although fifteen of them had leave of absence to have stayed f longer The horses he said Pare always al-ways brought Jn from the corral at 5 oclock and fed and at S oclock the stables are locked and three stablemen I sleep In the same building and on Monday Mon-day night there was no violation of the custom The missing man was Orderly Dan gerfiold He was present at 11 oclock but ho was absent when wo made tiic search at 2 oclock following Idont think that I JDnngcrfleld was mixed up in the last shooting as he is not of a quarrelsome quar-relsome disposition he is more of a society so-ciety man For his disappearance vlth out permission Dangcrflcld will proba lily get what Is known in military par lance as a month and a month that Is a month Jn the guardhouse and 10 line No action has been taken by the au thorities at the fort as to the four sol diers who were in the saloon at the tlmci the disturbance began and they are going about attending to their usual duties i |