Show lONEl AI SCOFELD The Old Air of Energy and Uf Thrift is All Gone e BUT THERE IS NO SUFFERING Provisions and Supplies Sufficient for Months to Come The Outlook is for tho Safest Coal Mine in tho World After the Terrible Lesson Superintendent Sharp Coming to Sal Lake City on Business His Orders to Stop Loading Goal Till the Dust is Thoroughly Sprinkled I i J I Scofield < May 16At present the very atmosphere of Scofleld seems lonely and everything seems devoid of the natural nat-ural energy and Interest lhat belonged to Scoflcld alone Miners going to and from work do not seem to have thai light step and heart that marked tholr spirits only two weeks ago before the dreadful dlwistcr Sunday passed with very little to hear from the onlnes and on Monday only the work of laying out water pipes preparatory to thoroughly sprinkling the mines prVcutod the latter from presenting such a gloomy aspect in their shutdown condition I NO SUFFERING I The widows and children left In the J I unfortunate families are In no ay puttering1 from privation of any kind 1 owing to tht still active relief committee com-mittee and the proapcct of their suffering I suf-fering at all for weeks and even months I to come In very dim Ycstcrda from J Jones chairman of the relief committee com-mittee at Spanish Fork came a carload car-load of potatoes Saturday by Wells Furpro express came several boxes of provisions and numerous packages to Mr Klmball for the relief committee to distribute THE OUTLOOK The outlook at present for the Winter Win-ter Quarters mine Is very favorable as jKirdB safety In the future for the c miners lives With the dust well 1 I sprinkled and every possible precaution precau-tion taken thpre Is little doubt that these mines will rank among the safest in the country HUNT GIVEN Un The hunt for the body of John Pitman Pit-man Is nov given up for there seems to be little doubt in the minds of everyone every-one that his body has been burled under un-der a different name and since the bestdirected efforts lead to no trace whatever of the body there Is but one conclusion and that Js thai it has already al-ready been taken out but wrongly Identified i SUPERINTENDENT SHARP will leave for Salt Lake this week to attend to some business affairs there lie has worked Incessantly for two weeks and the nervous tension to which he has been subjected can hardy hard-y be Imagined and It may be wild that he has hardly bei n seen to smile since his arrival at Winter Quarters For exercise he took a ride on horseback horse-back Sunday afternoon to the Clear Creek mines and now his return to Salt Lake can hardly be anything but n rellei r STOPS LOADING Yesterday from the beglnningdf the mornings shift up to about noon what few miners were left wero loading cars with coal but Mr Sharp hearing of this Immediately went into No 3 mine and ordered that all hands should stop loading and dlrecfed that they should a divert their attention tQ the water pipes alone for he said he would never Incur any needless risk of liCe and as long as there I was coal dust it must be PI > rlnklod down |