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Show PERSONAL. Lieutenant F. C. Patterson, First ar-tillery, ar-tillery, U. S. A., is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. II. Miller, of Washington, D. C, arc at the Cullen. Mrs. E. M. Skaggs, of San F'rancwco, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. C. Ewing, of the Cullen. " Dr. P.'R'. Thombs. who has charge of the Colorado State Asylum at Pueblo, is'at the Continental. Judge C. F. Ryland, of San Jose, ex-epeaker ex-epeaker of the California house of representatives, repre-sentatives, is visiting in Salt Lake. Wm. R. Bartlctt, of this city, has been appointed deputy collector of internal revenue for. Utah, vice T.C.Bailey, resigned. S. D. Ram bo and B. M. Gunter, of Rio de Janerio, Brazil, are making a tour of the world and will take in tho eights of Zion for a fow days. Mr. F. R. McConnoll, a prominent Omaha contractor, is in tho city. He was formerly located in Salt Lake as the Union Pacilie genoral agent. Mr. M. G. Perkins, manager of the Omaha branch of tho American Press association, is at tho Continent al. He will remain in the city several days. Judgo William Sears, a well-known Omaha lawyer, gave The Times a pleasant call today. Ho will remain in the city several days and probably locate lo-cate here. ) Mr. J. J. Iluddast, one of the foremost fore-most architects of Denver, Colorado,, is at the Continental. Mr. Iluddast has built many of the finest business blocks in Denver. Jl: ,W. Cross of Ogden aud F. W. Haytof Tark City will represent the territory of Utah at tho supreme conclave, con-clave, ltnights of Pythias, to bo held at Milwaukee, July 7. ' Chas.'H. Wade, who represents a New York gonts' furnishing house, is in the city on his way cast from a trip to Japan. He will r'emaiu in Salt Lako several days taking iu the sights. . Contractor T. K. Campbell returned lrom Leavenworth, Kan., accompanied y his family. Mr. Campbell has tho contract for the stone work of the new bast side hotel. Ho will make Salt ' Luke his future home. ' Hdu. James N. Carlisle, of the iirra of Carlisle, Price & McGavock of Pueblo, Colo., one of the biggest railroad rail-road contracting lirms in the. west, is at the Continental. Mr. Carlisle was a member of the last national democratic convention. Ho comes to Salt Lake to attend the races. ' Mr. J. C. Thompson, one of Salt Lake's heavy real estate investors, returned re-turned home yesterday after a three weeks' visit to Seattle and other cities near the coast. Mr. Thompson returns home well satisfied with his investments Kere and fully convinced that Salt Lake is the coining big city of tho west. Dr. J. S. Hoyt, ono of the pioneer physicians of Nebraska, and a mau well Known for his ability and geniality, has entered into partnership with Dr."R, A. Hasbrouck, 08 E. First South street. As Dr. Hoyt is so favorably known throughout the west, his friends in this city will be pleased to learn that he has JocatedinZion. . Mr. W. W. Kevin of New York is in the city en route for Washington and Alaska. Mr. Nevin is now connected with the International Mexican railway. He is a son of Dr. John W. Nevia, D. D., L.L. D., the foremost theologian of the Reformed church, and was formerly editor of the Philadelphia Press under John W. Forney. Mr. C R. Kelsey, manager of the Sweetwater Mining company at Rock Springs, is at the Cullen house. His company is the large private coal mining organization at Rock Springs. Mr. Kelsey will remain in the city several sev-eral days, and will probably make arrangements ar-rangements to establish yards at this point for his company. '' Col. A. W. Hogle of Denver, ex-chief of police and now colonel commanding . the, First Regiment, (!. N. ft., arrived yesterday, and will probably remaiu here some two or three weeks lookuig over the city, and his friends hopo he will locate here not far in the future. Mrs. Hcgle has been here about two Weeks, and week was tendered it reception at the G. A. 11. hall by the jVadies Relief corps. The colonel, while in 1 he city, will make his headquarters 20. t'brlaab's office. e . |