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Show IABORER8 WANTFn J struction Milford towSOADq Outside Rock men, prdav Muckers in tunnels 1 Bencnmen " ' I Heading men" m No ofhc: fre or rh-iw. Salt Lake City to Miorf flS tlonrate. Apply to Wi '?w,, CZ: street, up st Ira; or to j i Co., southMaln street " - J' Wiujj1 month for hts U A H0RsTn order. W. RKvg" WANTED AT OiTTT"-- "tftNs,m LauLudryQl?T West Temple street. "' APPly at ONE ' ROOM,. FUR viS,, i. - for two Kttoucu l1' S'MtIb 56 N. Second West AI'W Mrs I. " RENT NlTEllYTorirST to let, with gas ami hBRoS rent and lease for, sale? wyn t pOR KENT In aI7-----th, LthhoueT SL uccsulrcd-; lOR RENT-LjuW nii77 I?011 RENT - ELeTsaNt""?!-JP ELeTsaNt""?!-JP rooms at very -reason-iM. , , RMSH to Mrs. Camp's, iHouS Th'il J'gg M T?OR RENT - NICELY r front room. No, as, rki RNi8h T7IURNISHED ROOMSVITHn r 604 SouthMaln street iB0AI" en suite. let' Uos single T7"OK RENT-PART oTTiTr t quire 45 and 46 WaM.,,, DON'T RENT. TAKEjrHriTTeu -stallmeuts ot&l ON good home. I have a Bue J ZT " such terms, and It will par vou tto11 Address P. o. m& jnut FOUND. " I7IOUND-PTJKSE (H-TAINImT and railroad ticket " same by calling at Times oftke peiiHes; uu P'TOg PERSONAL, ERSONAL-DR. C. tTNTSiTSmTT Elmo Hotel, surgeon swotaiif, T, 1 sickness of all kinds.8 LIvt im tal plaint, catarrh, all chronic disease, ft tice for 36 years. 'edsej. inp FOR BALE. TjWR SALE-VERY CHEAP. NEW FUR X1 ture, ! per cent below wholesale cook and one parlor stove, refriiwntm ."i , bedBtead, chairs, carpets, etc. call fm days only room 10, 68 East First Soutulti TjIOR. LEASE OR SALE-MS) FEETW1 r lkxlS feet back ground aUJoSC ond South, between Second and Third u south front, next to BegSs Lumber Co ton, Groesbeck & Co.. m South Main Mrer TX)R SALE-HOUSE OCCCTIEDbTi r hop Leonard, 454 East First South H. to be moved preparatory to building. In,, on premises or of Thompson & Welspl a teefs, 1S9 Main street. 8 ' ' SOCIETIES, UTAH CHAPTER, NO. 1, R. A. M. si; convocation held on the Hist Wedne In each month, at Masonic hall, at8p m tend'118 comi)aulons are cordially fate JACOB J. GREENE WALD, M,E H PH lip Briogs, Secretary, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, CtALANTHE LODGE NO. S. K. OF P. I ular Conventions every Mondav em at 8 p.m., in Castle Hall. Walker Opera to building. Sojourning Knights cordially vited to attend. C. W. COFFAU.C. W. M. Risi-EY, K. of R. & S, ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE NO. 3, K P. Meets every Thursday evening at o'clock, in Castle Hall, Walker Opera II! building. Members of the order are ronli invited to attend. ARTHUR HAIGH, C. A. Bubbck, K. of R. & S. MYRTLE LODGE NO. 1. K. OF P. Et Conventions every Tuesday evenliii 7:30 o'clock. Castle Hall, Walker Opera Hi muming. Bojourning unignts roraiaii; vited to attend. E. M. WADE, C. J. L. Lcoas, K. of R. & S. ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS CtOURT PRIDE OF UTAH, NO. 7257. JI J on the first and third Wednesday ot i month, at Emporium Hall. Visiting Bwt made welcome. GEO. W. ARHM0E,C. C. H. SPBNCBR, S. F., P. O. Box 1036. SONS OF AMERICA. PATRIOTIC ORDER SONS OF AMERI Washington Camp No. 3. P. 0.8. ol meets every Friday evening, at 7 :J0, In Tei of Honor Hall, cor, Main and 1st Soutt Sojourning Sons are cordially invited attend. WM. GLASMAN, Preside: A. S. Barrett, Recording Secretary. MASONS. WASATCH LODGE, NO.l.A.F. t A Regular communications held atth sonic Hall the second Friday ot each mi Members of sister Lodges and sojonr bretliren in good standing are cordlsJM1 to attend. ADOLPH ANDERaON, W. , J. Malsh, Secretary. MT. MORIAH LODGE, NO. Si, A.F. 4 Regular communications held at M hall, East Temple street, the second mm of each month. Members of sister lodges sojourning brethren in good standing are dially invited to attend. JOHN B. FARMW, W. Christopher Dibhl, Secretary. TAH COMMANDERY. NO. 1. KMC Templar. Stated conclaves held sonic hall, on t he first Thursday of whine at 7 o'clock. Visiting Knights are court? invited to attend. A. M. trBAfii, i Philip Brigos, Recorder. AKGENTA LODGE, NO. 3, A. T. t A Stated communications held at MM hall the first Tuesday In each month. l of sister lodges and . on':nL1X good standing are cordially Aw, M. C. Phillips, Secretary. . WOBKINGMBN'S SOCD3TIE& Time, and Place, of MMtuif Operative Plasterers' Union-Evwy " night, room 48, Scott-Auerbach building, "Brewers' Union-Second ! davs every month, room , " building, Main Btreet. TT,,SewnJ Painters and Decorators' UidOT-secw fourth Friday every month, room Auerbach building, Main A gjtnr Tinners' Union-First wdlti every month, room 48, Scott-Auer ing. Main street. A tbiniTti Clgarmakers' Union-First ana i days every month, room 48, building, Main street .. ... 0t t Barbers' Union-Third MonW & month at gome barber shop prevwu "TyographicalUnion-FlrstSundarote month at A. O. U. W. hall. vm- Pressmen and Stereotype! ( ; Monday every month at some pl v designated. ' ' .',, Union- Carpenters and J7j?1(,0f Honor . Wednesday evening at Temple or " , Hodcarriers. Laborers and l ew , -Second and fourth Mondajs e.u the Templeon Honor. . . o. I Tailors' Union-On Sunday in a. "stonecutters' Union-Second tf Monday of each month at V- jyerf J OBrick and Stonemasons I'm nat Friday at the It of P. M- f four The Federated Trades and at J Every second and '?hch wuW 1 haU, room 48, Scott-Auerbacn ouu 8 Executive Board of thJTscb CouncU-Every Saturday, room-, bach building. Main street. Advertisements under this head will be charged at the rate of io cents a line for each insertion. No advertisement will be taken for less than 25 cents. Parties advertising in this column can have their answers an-swers addressed care of The Times. . stkaved! ' " SK COW. Indistinct brand on Terf E S horn, k paid for mTOff Zti T?, Wi" WANTEo. car Hue. A. P. Ferl a! f m,'e'ai Q- "'- a- a'ate road. BIDS'WANTEO-- -..:...-' S0TICE. w PASTIES DESIRING TO JT paving, whether of a"P Jr,ke other matwlal, are rejuesteJ to iT, 1 proximate estimate of the LfstuiJ Information as will be ot .use f Council in determining thek jy will order laid. Communicate w at his office. City Hall, or " chairman onmmlttee on stre 7-5S WASATCH BUILDING O Louis - WSSOLCTI0N otic- .. ' : .rrFNTBAT VOTICE IS HEREBY Ijl-, ls ihl-N ihl-N mm of Plokeiill . 6 SI. vo.tf dissolved by mutual con'"' t I will pay all indebtednf.'" re . all accounts due said firm nc Ki.R ; t uiru. h SHOW SAl.TLAKKCrTT.XTAHj.'K- |