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Show : THE SALT LAKE TIMES, By T. A. DAVIS. t-HR TiMBS is published every evening (Sun-iav (Sun-iav excepted), uud is delivered by carriers In Salt bake City and Park City at 75 cents per Montis . - Thr Timks contains the full Associated Press report, and tins special telegraph service covering cov-ering this entire lnter;inwutalnjvnoi THK Times is entered at the postofflee in Salt Lulte Citv for transmission through the malls as secondclass matter. "Persons desiring The Tihes delivered at their houses can secure it by postal card order or through telephone. When delivery l J": lar make immediate complaint to this oBHe. Subscription to the Daily Times. (Always in advance.) JSmonths i .. . g AddiyssTH K Times'. Salt Lake City. Utah. Our Telephone If umber, 481. |