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Show ARRIVALS AMI CLOSE OF MAILS. Schedule of arrival and closing of malls at the Salt Lake cityPostofflce. May 1. " ' ArriveatT"C)l6se aT MAILS. Depot. Postofflee Eastern, viftU. P. B y. .. 2:40 a.m. 7:10 a.m. Eastern via K. G. W. R y :p.m. :' Western 10:30 a.m. 9:00p.m. neden . 10:30 a,in. 7:10 a.m. OKdcn 4:00 p.m. OidPn 7:00 p.m. 8:(X)p.m. Nort h and Northwest .... 7 :00 p. m . 4 ;00 p. m . Park City 10:30 a.m. 7:10 p.m. Park Citv 4:00 a.m. Southern. 6:50 p.m. 6:10 a.m. Southern (closed pouch i Milford.Frlsioand bey'd, 10:10 a,in. 8:50 p.m. Pingham Canyon nnd West Jordan 4 : p.m . : .! Tooele county Srt&p.m. 7: 0 a.m. Alt !!l('lVlsJ't.1--.-- J.fflXJJ'LfeBU WHERE THK TIMES IS FOR SALE. Tbb Salt Lake DAitr Times Is for sal at the following places: hutrm. fontlnsntal Hotel, ; White Hoiiks, , Walker House, Cliff House, Cullen House, St. Elmo. , , Nr.W STANDS. Shaffer O'Connor's, ' Sb8 Main street. I. M. McAllister, 73 Margetts Bros., 78 " . . .TUvbould's. " 17'4 C. If Parsons. 184 l" . Jiates & Kimball. Park City. M. (!. Morris. Ogdeii. .lames A. Ptnney. Boise ( It y. Idaho. ," MONDAY, JUNE 16. 1830. |