Show G GENERAL GiNE RAI BUSINESS SS CARDS BANKING HOUSES AMERICAN MACHINERY GO CO WALKER BANK BUILDING SALT LAKE CITY UTAH As everything known in machinery FORRESTER ORE MILL mills erected on mines or prospects ore dumps tailing piles contracts taken for grinding ore coal fertilizer paints etc 1601 IV walker alker bk salt lake city GNEKOW GERTRUDE public stenographer all lines stenography mining engineers gi reports felt salt lake city phones phone office wasatch residence wasatch HOTEL STANFORD san Francis cos new leading hotel KEARNY STREET SAN FRANCISCO between sutter and bush ADJOINING THE MINING STOCK EXCHANGE the most moat centrally located hotel clotel in the city ALL MODERN improvements headquarters FOR MINING MEN f LANE MILL AND MACHINERY coo CO mill builders manufacturers of lane slow speed chilian mills dealers in quartz milling machinery W roberts los angeles AIE EINI S N P 0 MA 0 WIRE ROPE 1 AERIAL WHIP V aalt LAKE CITY 92 KEARNS bldr OFFICE ST LOUIS cogo ZAN FR asco y MORRISON S W lumber and mine timbers delivered anywhere on railroads 1012 kearns salt lake city SALT LAKE PHOTO SUPPLY CO and cameras headquarters for supplies kodak finishing so 80 main st salt lake city phone wasatch NOTARY AND CORPORATE SEALS stock certificates rubber stamps desk name plates metal signs etc send for freo free catalog cat aloe SALT LAKE STAMP CO 00 66 65 W BROADWAY SALT LAKE CITY WERRETT HANSON CO agents so west temple tempi st salt lake city utah manufacturers representatives FLOTATION OIL pine oils and coal tar creosotes Creo sample prices on request correspondence spon spen dence solicited WESTERN METALS COMPANY L D FOREMAN manager newhouse bide salt lake utah buyer of zinc zinc lead and manganese ores and rare metals BINGHAM GARFIELD RA RAILWAY I 1 L W A Y COMPANY the scenic line TO great copper mining camp of BINGHAM two trains daily via the Garli garfield eld smelter and mills of utah copper co A M lv salt lake lak e A M 82 5 ar bingham bangham 84 5 A M lv bingham A M lake 1000 1005 ar salt P M lv salt rake lake P M ar bingham 1101 4 0 0 P M X lv bingham 53 0 P M ar salt lake for far ainther information apply to any salt lake garfield railway agent route or bingham A 0 ff W BOROUGH tIGH aunt anait gen par ascent ahrent SALT galt LAKE CITY deseret not nat bank bids telephone wasatch age is not everything but it does mean something to have the confidence of the community after nearly 60 years of business life and of this we are proud aill WALKER BROTHERS BANKERS salt lake city member federal re serve system SALT LAKE SECURITY TRUST CO 3 on checking 4 on savings 6 on time deposits capital and surplus 32 main street salt lake city mccornick CO 00 BANKERS established 1873 salt lake city utah COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY main st salt lake city acts as ag receiver trustee trubee Tru tee agent and registrar pays pay interest on special deposits Depo tit particular attention given to escrow business Busl nc B crox vice pres and manager one inch card in this directory 2 per month by the year two inches per month by the year we offer for sale subject to prior sale one K K flotation machine of the following description 26 sn hi diameter 10 feet long steel I lousing housing 3 7 16 in shaft the rotor resting on ball bearings and at present is equipped with a 40 in diameter 6 in face steel pulley the machine has been newly riffled raffled and is in absolutely sol first class running order for price and further particulars see UTAH LEASING COMPANY newhouse building salt lake city utah |