Show THE OIL LEASING BILL A letter has just been received from washington by the secretary of the oil section utah chapter american mining congress from hon E W taylor congressman from colorado it is full of interest to all who are interested in oil development in the west the oil leasing bill which has been pending in congress for a year or more is is now in conference committee a bill having passed the house and one slightly different from the house bill having passed the senate it is very evident from the information given by congressman taylor that the ultra conservationists of the east are dominating the situation men who know nothing of the conditions in the west and some who have even never been west are trying to dictate what provisions shall go in the bill regarding the future development of oil in the west in some instances the attitude of these men is so utterly absurd that one wonders whether they are just plain agnor amuses or are actuated by ulterior motives congressman taylor states in the letter that secretary daniels although he knows but very little about the subject seems determined ter mined to prevent the passage of any bill which does not exclude the naval reserves in california and wyoming although important equities are involved attorney general gregory also seeks to dictate certain provisions in the bill although it is evident that he knows nothing whatever of the oil situation it is very evident says congressman taylor in the letter that the eastern followers of pinchot ism are determined to dictate the mining policy in the west some even go so far as to advocate the suspension of the development of the western resources on the theory that it would be unwise to exhaust our natural resources for fear that something may come up in the future by which we would be embarrassed economically these people do not stop to realize that if the natural resources can be economically used now and are necessary for development of the coli country at the present time then the present presen t is the time to use them twenty or thirty years from now low a new source of energy electrical or otherwise may supplant oil and i coal As it stands at the present time the gre great at mass of the people are paying payin 9 tribute to a few who are controlling the present resources the people in utah are paying much more for gasoline than they would if the oil resources were allowed to be developed it is very evident that the people in the west we st without regard to party must get together and insist inist that the eastern theorists kep their hands off the questions involving matters of which they know nothing and which concern us almost entirely |