Show around the state stale the tintic gintic star mining company has filed articles of incorporation at provo capitalization is in shares of 10 cents each the company controls ten claims in the erickson district jesse M harms is at the head of the organization the lucky star copper company with holdings in the dugway district has purchased a big jeffery quad truck for hauling purposes superintendent W A eckmann is hauling 1 supplies to the property and expects to have development work well under way by the first of the year I 1 rumor comes from the east that apex troubles between utah consolidated mining and utah metal tunnel companies have been settled out of court the former securing rights to work the veins in dispute by the payment of a consideration incidentally the story states that settlement of this dispute places a trump card in the hands of the utah consolidated in its suit against the utah apex A big compressor and other equipment have been installed at the bradburn potash holdings out from marysvale Marys vale by swift company of chicago A heavy tonnage has been extracted ready for shipment and manager G E briggs states that he plans to ship chip all winter the company owns several reduction plants in different parts of the country and the alunite will be shipped to these for treatment A station has been cut on the 1475 foot level of the standard in the east tintic gintic district and the company is ready to prosecute the work of prospecting the ground at this new maximum depth the station is largely in the quartzite underlying the ore bearing limestone but it is said bald that about half of it shows ore of various grades the shaft has been in ore tor for about feet standard is shipping its usual heavy tonnage lessees lessels in the old buffalo mine on lion HIP 1 it at ophir have secured good results the past season four sets are working three if f whom have sent out shipments and the fourth is prospecting with encouraging developments the last shipment was made by y joseph bithel and george dark clark and consisted of about forty tons averaging 42 per cent lead 32 ounces silver and in gold valued at 72 a ton no work is being done on oil company account at the buffalo general manager ernest bamberger of the e ontario silver that at park city states considerable exploratory work is now being done ne in that property especially on the 1300 and some of the upper levels principal production still comes from the 1600 and 1700 levels shipments from the mine in vember totaled about 2450 tons compared with 2235 in october and 2080 in september the total for the first eleven months of the year was approximately tons manager M R evans of the columbus rexall at alta states that work is now being done on ore in three parts of the mine ore Is being followed in two raises a short distance back of the northern face of the main tunnel and raise no 6 is showing about twelve inches of sulphides sulp hides and eight eight een inches of oxide ore no 5 in th the same vicinity also is showing ore of this character superintendent C M evans is making a thorough study of ore deposition in the property and is following a systematic teina tic method of prospecting the ground president george E hemphill of the american consolidated mines company with holdings in american fork canyon reports promising developments in both the earl eagle and bog groups of the company the main working tunnel in the former is now in more than 2000 feet and is now showing stringers of high grade copper sil ver ore in the breast A short distance back a bedding with low values in lead and silver was passed through this will be developed soon the tunnel at the bog is now past the foot point and is expected to cut in the near future the downward extension of ore opened in the upper workings some ore of a good grade has been shipped the past season from the bog |