Show CHRISTMAS GREETING before another issue of the mining review reaches our readers another christmas shall have come and gone and the whole nation will be looking forward to the new year the very thought of christmas signifies peace and happiness and goodwill towards men and the whole nation will most earnestly enter into the spirit of the day for us the observance of christmas will mean more than has been the case during the last three years for there will be more joy on this occasion this joy however will be mingled with grief and sorrow for there will be many vacant chairs at the festive board and still a feeling of pride will accompany the sorrow for the sacrifices that have been made have been patriotic in their nature and although some of us have aching hearts because of a dead hero we feel better than if our sons had been listed as sl ackers as lacking in loyalty and courage we feel that we can grieve with those who have suffered and rejoice with those who have cause for thankfulness but may peace come co me to all and may all have a merry christmas |