Show the T karbox arbod ore bod body y WALLACE IDAHO MINER that the highest expectations of deep development of the tarbox near saltese maltese Sal tese montana are about to be realized through the exploration of the vein on the 1000 foot level is iri clearly indicated by the extensive ore disclosures in the crosscut from the sunk from the for probably forty feet the crosscut had been passing through stringers of ore which represented a fair milling average and the last six or seven feet shows practically solid ore of excellent milling grade the crosscut seems to have entered the east end of the big ore shoot developed above and the best results are expected by drifting to the west a short distance possibly feet although it is probable that additional ore will be encountered before the hanging wall is reached richard daxon manager of the tarbox returned from the mine recently and expressed himself as much gratified with the showing samples of the ore show a large preponderance of lead the zinc which features trie tae upper workings having practically disappeared there is also a notable increase in the amount of copper which made its appearance pe arance on the A large flow of water still continues described by davy frank J davey assayer and mining engineer of this city who has been a close observer of the tarbox went over to the mine tuesday to inspect the new strike he returned yesterday afternoon and in response to an inquiry from the miner made the following statement yes I 1 have just returned from an inspection spec tion of the 1000 foot level of the tarbox mine the results obtained by sinking the additional feet from the foot level have fully verified my prophecy that the entire burke quartzite formation would be found regular undisturbed and free from the crushing amov movement ement which is so pronounced in the levels above the of the vein has been cut at 12 feet from the and stringers of ore from eighteen inches to six feet have been crosscut in the sixty feet following and the hanging wall has not been reached As voon soon as the hanging wall is reached drifting for thebie the big ore shoot lying to the west will begin and all indications point to much improved conditions both in quantity and quality to those developed on the foot level the entire situation is satisfactory large tonnage in sight the striking of this ore on the 1000 foot level makes a large addition to the available ore in the tarbox aarbo t and justifies the prediction that it is on the verge of soon becoming 0 one ne of the great brodu producers cers of the district the disappearance of the broken and dis condition of the formation which characterized the upper levels as pointed out by mr davey together with the burke quartzite in which the ore is found are favorable to a large and persistent ore body and the future of the tarbox therefore seems assured the management will now doubtless take up the matter of providing a mill for the property with the full assurance of long 0 and increasing production with this in view preparation is already far advanced in the utilization of a splendid water power which will provide power for both the mill and compressor A dam which will provide an ample reservoir has been completed and grading for a pipe line from the dam to the a short distance below the shaft is practically completed arrangements have been made for the pipe which will soon be delivered and placed in position altogether the outlook for the tarbox is exceedingly flattering flatt erine and stockholders who have pinned their faith to the property are to be congratulated upon the prospect of returns on their investment |