Show jeas EHO OLIff 00 SALT TOOK AND MINING investment securities direct private wires east and west successors salt lake city branch LOGAN BRYAN 2409 1409 HUDSON AVE OGDEN so MAIN SALT LAKE yuba gold dredges yuba nine mine pumps yuba ball tread tractors YUBA manufacturing CO marysville marksville Marys ville california W S S will help b buy uy liberty and justice SUPERIOR AT THE 0 OUTSET U T S E T we take nothing but a superior quality of crude oil from which to make all our lubricants this advantage is made the most of by refining and manufacturing our prod acts in a large plant modern and complete in all its equipment vico oils are our motor car specialties but you will find all kinds of machine and leather oils bearing our trademark the big diuro U utah oil refining coo co SALT LAKE every drop counts counis |